| 01 March 1997 (USA)
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  • Season 2 : 1998 | 25 Episodes

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    What makes it different from others?


    Tied for the best movie I have ever seen


    Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.

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    Micah Lloyd

    Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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    Josephine Andersson

    Absolutely loved this show as a kid. I was only a baby when it came out in '97, so i watched it in early 2000's and i recently re-watched all episodes i could find. As an animal lover, especially when i was a younger, it was frickin awesome. It had cute animals, good actors, exciting adventures, lovely set and surroundings...everything i could ask for. A great show for both kids and adults.It's a shame the show isn't more popular. It's literally impossible to find all the episodes online anywhere even though i feel like i have desperately searched through the entire internet. Pretty sure DVD's with the show doesn't even exist sadly.

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    I loved the series and would love to have a copy of it for my nephews. They are animal lovers and devour animal planet, discovery channel, etc. Did anyone copy the series? Could I buy it from you? Or could you make a copy. I cannot find the series anywhere I look. Does anyone know how to get it on DVD or VHS? The original series early in the last century, in the 1950's was cute and well done. And I see it is available periodically in catalogs. There have been movies, too, but the one with Corey Sevier is updated and more modern with current situations to hold the interest of a child in the present day. With all the violence and seriously bad influence of TV shows out there, this one is a keeper and should be available.

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    This was a really good show; it stayed true to the original series, but updated it in a million subtle ways. The main character was still called Timmy, but Corey Sevier played him as a modern kid who just happened to have a fantastic dog. The rest of the cast was solid too -- Susan Almgren as Mom, Walter Massey as Doc Stewart, Tod Fennel as Timmy's best friend, Nathalie Vansier as --gasp! -- Timmy's girlfriend, and Chip Chiupka as the tenderhearted junkyard guy. There was a lot of humour in the stories; the series dealt with a lot of issues a normal kid would face -- like bullies, school problems, social issues -- but when it did straight dog-adventure stories, it did them with a big wink to the old series. Timmy actually falls in a hole, and Lassie goes for help -- but not in a way you'd ever expect. There were a lot of animal stories -- Timmy's Mom is a vet -- and they usually took some pretty strange twists; a baby goose thought Lassie was its Mom; Timmy and Jeff tried to impress a girl by raising chickens, but Hank's hawk kept killing them; Nathalie lost a boa-constrictor; Timmy and his Mom mistook a bat-infestation for ghosts; and my all time favourite, only Lassie could communicate with the aliens responsible for a series of crop circles!

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    i have watched him on a few series..i thought i watched lassie to the very end, but i didnt'..wish i could see it again..i do not think that he grew out of the role...i have seen him on little men, i'm watching a rerun right now, the 2030 series, (didnt' get to see black sash..dont' get WB..and no canadian station picked it up) i am enjoying him on zoe, i do hope that the show gets picked up for another year..i think that he and taylor are really sweet..i would like to see him maybe doing a soap, he'd be a great addition to one..but i have the feeling that he wishes to only work here, as all the series that he's done have been here in toronto, or the surrounding area mostly....there are a few actors that would be great states side..but who have not choosen to go there..only wishing to work on shows that are shot on this side of the border....but, he'd be great on a soapsusan...

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