Law & Order: LA
Law & Order: LA
TV-14 | 29 September 2010 (USA)

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  • Season 1 : 2010 | 22 Episodes

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    hyped garbage


    Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.

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    Portia Hilton

    Blistering performances.


    Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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    Law and Order-Don't Believe Law and Order Occulies- TV Lies - seek and you will find the real Occupy - there's an occupy in your town- All Day All Week Occupy All Streets! Remember Police Brutality really happens-This is not a TV show: Police Brutality against Non violent peaceful citizens standing up for Freedom we will not be beaten down- Law and Order tries to mock occupy - Occupy is REAL- The call for real change, transparency,accountability,and justice for the 99 is real! We are renewing the meaning of freedom and the constitution- join us- Occupy and protect the Bill of Rights: The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

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    Skeet Ulrich and Corey Stoll, two relatively unknown actors, make an intriguingly contrasting pair--one a handsome young family man with a quick mind and a nose for the hidden truth, the other older, single (possibly gay?), completely bald and endlessly patient, and bringing a profound knowledge of human nature to crime solving. Here is a wealth of original ideas such as subtitling each episode with an area of Greater LA, which Dick Wolf knows intimately. The whole idea is to spotlight the differences between Los Angeles, a new city shaped by and built to suit the automobile, and centuries-old New York, a product of the age of sail.There are some lyrical camera shots, almost elegiac, of the canyons and vistas of Los Angeles, of its suburbs-in-search-of-a-city lifestyle, of its public beaches, its palatial beachfront homes and its slums. Best of all is its exploration of human types, so varied yet so...well, so LA.Alfred Molina in a recurring role as a trial prosecutor, is part Englishman, part Spaniard, he has no non-European ancestry at all. Yet he is believable as a boy of humble Latino origins who has risen high in public service. There are exciting guest stars, original yet believable plots with the "ripped from the headlines" aspect remaining an L&O trademark.If this show fails it will be because of its harshly realistic view of gender. The first two episodes feature women who have killed without legal justification. There are other repugnant acts committed by women. L&O - SVU, this ain't!What it is is a crime show with scripts that other great chronicler of Los Angeles Raymond Chandler might have written.

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    I have been a fan of all of the various L&O series until now. This is bad writing, acting and production all in one package. Very sad about this. It will probably be canceled in relatively short order. Alfred Molina is a wonderful actor and I have seen him in both leading and character parts for many years. Never have I seen him give a bad performance until now. Even he cannot defeat a poorly written script and weak support from the other members of the cast. The performance of Terrence Howard ranks among the worst in the long history of the franchise. I did not think any actor could have sunk lower in their acting in their role than Elisabeth Röhm as A.D.A. Serena Southerlyn, but alas I think Terence has out bad-acted her. His mumbling of his lines into the camera displayed no believability of him as a high profile prosecutor. This series is probably that "Bridge Too Far" for Dick Wolf and like General Montgomery, Wolf should have known better.

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    Pier Luca Lanzi

    I was looking forward to this new series since Law and Order got canceled. I hoped they could repeat the magic but it did not happened. The first episode is horrible. Everything looks exactly like any other series around too hip too youngish. May be the producers want to catch up with a younger audience but I have to say that this series does not cut it. It is too slow for youngster and too glossy for the people who loved McCoy and the others. Both the detectives and the prosecutor do not charm in anyway. It is so sad that NBC canceled something as perfect and well balanced as the original series to create this. I will watch L&O reruns rather than spend my time on this one. I hope they will continue to print the DVDs!

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