Life with Lucy
Life with Lucy
| 20 September 1986 (USA)
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  • Season 1 : 1986 | 8 Episodes

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    Very well executed


    a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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    This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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    Billy Ollie

    Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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    Considering I was not born yet when Life With Lucy first aired in 1986, I really never got a chance to watch this show until recently when I acquired a DVD of it off Ebay with the 8 episodes that aired, one that did not air, and the cast party video. ABC really should've given Life with Lucy a chance and improved on the writing. It looked like a promising sitcom. The only thing is, a lot of the jokes were just not funny, (especially in the saxophone episode which was OK but with a lot of stupid jokes) and it seems like after every joke or gag, there is a huge applause from the audience, which I think is definitely canned. One example was Lucy ironing and the ironing board wouldn't stay up so she got Kevin (the grandson) to hold it up. I thought that was just not funny at all. But other than that there were some good moments. I have a few favorite episodes, like the pilot, the one where they get a new computer in the store to do inventory, and the one where Lucy's sister comes to visit. Also, Lucille Ball was 75 and Gale was 80. And since Lucy died in 1989 (a month before I was born) the show wouldn't have lasted long anyway. I would've definitely watched Life with Lucy during it's run--but I would've had to be born in the late 60s if I wanted to be a big enough Lucy fan in time to watch this show.I don't care what other people say. This show was fine and should've stayed on the air for a year or more if they had improved on the writing. But now I know why it didn't do so well and got cancelled after 8 episodes. It really did seem like such a sad ending to Lucille Ball's career and she deserved so much better because of the laughter she gave us for years. 7.5/10.

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    J Lane

    I remember this being on British TV about a year after it was cancelled in the US. It wasn't good. The old Lucy shows are not that bad if dated. This was terrible. The main trouble was that a septuagenarian Lucy was doing bizarre physical comedy. The had her chasing ducks, skating, dancing along to Jane Fonda. Most of the time you thought it was going to end up with a hip transplant gag! The Biography channel recently showed a clip from this show in a programme about Lucy. It was a clip where she was sitting talking, and it was funny. It was a shame that her verbal comedy wasn't the driving force for this show. Sadly Lucy died soon after thinking that the public had turned her back on her due to the poor ratings of this show.

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    Its just about 20 years since Lucille Ball came back to Television in the short lived, "Life with Lucy." I feel great stars work until the very end, like Lucy (she was on the Academy Awards with Bob Hope a few weeks before her death in 1989), Bette Davis dying of cancer and still made films shortly before her death.Lucy wanted to work (certainly it was not for the money), America wanted to see her but not in the same manner as we did in 1950's-1960's shows. I feel her late husband did her in, he was a glory hog and mismanaged her. Why did he need Lucy in that vehicle--to put a few more bucks in his pocket? The show has a dull cast, its very 80's (shoulder pads, severe make up and pointy earrings). I think Lucy should have come back as a more serious actress, I always thought she could have played the Jane Wyman role on Falcon Crest. I as a fan was willing to see Lucy in different types of work the fans forced her to "paint on" the face of long ago Lucy. She was Lucille Ball a legend she should not have done this. In one of her books someone asks her while on a flight whats the fame like, she replied, "see all those lights down there, I could go to any house and it would be the most exciting thing that has ever happened to the residents." this was so true.But what happened to Lucy happens to other, ie: Joan Crawford in the horror movies, Mae West in 1980 in Sextette playing it like she was 30 not 85.

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    If you loved Lucy, you couldn't help but enjoy seeing her again in her last, very short-lived show, especially the episode with guest star Audrey Meadows.Unfortunately, the writing didn't evolve at all from her 1960's "Lucy Show" and "Here's Lucy" series. Also, casting a very old Gale Gordon for comic counterpoint added more than a little tedium to the experience.Lucy occasionally consulted ex-husband Desi Arnaz (who had a great sense of comedy) as to what worked and what didn't in her later shows. He was very ill when this show was produced and presumably couldn't offer much advice.Somehow, "Love With Lucy" seemed to be a copy and paste affair, with little forethought as to what would please current (1986) viewers. Thus, it was hopelessly dated, and Lucy doing even mild slapstick at age 75 just didn't click.A sad conclusion to an otherwise stellar career.

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