TV-MA | 25 January 2012 (USA)

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  • Season 3 : 2014 | 8 Episodes

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    What makes it different from others?


    Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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    Janae Milner

    Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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    The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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    Shame shame shame on Netflix for pulling this. It's such a great show and very different from the bog standard churned out. Feel good, with comedy, mafia, bit of violence and some romance. Please bring it back!

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    One of the funniest shows I've ever seen each character plays their role perfectly and this show was just the perfect storm of where it takes place and the fact that a mobster moved into this quiet peaceful town and put together a whole crew full of clowns and still is the boss and gets stuff done just amazing amazing I have moments throughout every episode where I'm watching the show by myself and laugh out loud really hard just Incredible show wish they had more seasons than 3 so many legendary memorable know a show is amazing when your watching it and every great scene you see you wished you were watching with your friend who get the show like you do because we all have that one friend we like watching shows with and that is the ultimate compliment you can give to a show so I wanna just say if you start watching it and get turned off by the subtitles please just stick with it it's the most rewarding show to stock with you will laugh and laugh and just flat out enjoy every episode of this amazing show

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    James M

    If you loved the sopranos, you will love this show. The storyline is great and is not your typical mobster show. I rarely write reviews for anything, but this one show is worth a 10/10 rating. Lilyhammer is one of the most under rated shows. This needs much more recognition. I hope this show lasts a long time on Netflix. This show has a great comedy aspect as well as a some great action scenes. The name was not appealing to me before watching the show. But everything makes sense as you watch the first episode. You see a New York monster rise to power in a small town called Lilyhammer in Norway. Good thing I started this show recently because I can't stop watching this. There are currently 3 seasons of perfection and I cannot wait for more. This is a must watch show for all.

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    John G

    I've never seen "The Sopranos" so I don't have anything to compare the performance of Steven van Zandt, except as a musician. Thus, when I saw the name i the writing and producing credits I did not make the association. On the one hand, with all my Norwegian friends, I am appalled at the corruption, but on the other hand, it is intriguing as to how the blackmailing process is executed. We also like it that the Norwegian characters answer in their native language and that everyone is so polylingual. This is a great series that American audiences could use as an intro to European sociology. The scenery of Norway should also be included in the credits, as it is beautiful. If Trond (Torgeir) is excluded from subsequent episodes, I will be severely disappointed.

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