Little Women: LA
Little Women: LA
TV-14 | 27 May 2014 (USA)

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  • Season 8 : 2019 | 18 Episodes

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    I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

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    Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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    This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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    Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

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    I've just recently got into watching thus series and I cannot believe how much of a bully Terra is,every time any other person has something to say she always turns it into what has happened to her and her tears??give us a f break,and Tonya just sits and grins and agrees with her ,even though every idea she has to make herself some money Terra goes and does it first,i know what I'd love to call her but bully and selfish are up there,why do they all put up with her cos they've all said (behind her back)that shes a self centred bully oh yeah she's one of the producers

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    I totally agree with kyrxmom. I also have never before done a message board or review. But Tonya is so rude that I felt compelled to say something. She is ridiculous. First of all, her accusations make no sense at all. Tonya accused Jasmine of cutting into the middle of her conversation. Tonya was not even speaking when Jasmine approached. Tonya refused to shake hands with Jasmine. That is just plain rude. Her defense is, "I don't do fake." Are you kidding me? Her hair and nails and eyelashes are fake, and who knows what else? Tonya comments to Terra, as though speaking to Jasmine, "You do not look like Elena." Elena is the one who said it was like looking in a mirror when she met Jasmine. Tonya is twisting the facts just to create an opportunity to make a nasty remark. Terra said Jasmine should apologize to Tonya. Jasmine didn't do anything to Tonya. She has nothing to apologize for. Tonya talks like she is in junior high/middle school when she makes statements like, "I am in no mood to do cheers with a sneaky bitch. I don't roll like that." The one line that I found to be entertaining was, "She must don't have no class." Was this intended to be a comedic line? How can one talk about someone's class when in the same sentence they do not even use correct grammar? Come on Tonya. You are 52 years old. When are you going to grow up?

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    This is not a spoiler. Just a comment. I enjoy this series. And I usually hate reality shows, but I love this one.Joe has improved a LOT - he use to treat Terra terribly but he's done a complete turn around for the better. I think the baby has changed him into a real man now. My favorite characters are Kristy and Briana and Todd.Terra accuses Kristy of starting things, but actually it is Terra who opens the door to all the arguments.And I love the flashbacks they do for the quotes said in the past.Terra's 9+ months have gone so fast. I've been pregnant many times in my lifetime and it seemed like it was forever. Well the onetime was forever - I was due the first week of March and did not deliver until the very end of May (28th) ! When he was born (and I'm only a tiny 100 pound gal, he looked to be a 2 month old baby, and actually he was. 2 months over-due ! He was so big he did not even fit into the bassinet I fixed for him ! When they'd bring him to me in the hospital they would tease and say - 'here is your 2 month old baby boy !'. He hardly fit into their hospital newborn baskets. He was a big one ! Whew ! 17 hours of hard labor to get that one out !Don't think it's only 9 months ! Actually 10 months is what it really is from conception to birth. At 9 months they are actually early.. So hopefully Terra's birth will go well and the baby will be healthy and not double dominant. I'm praying for that.And their fear of ghosts being witchcraft, it's not - but the calling up of them in a séance IS sin. Bible forbids that. In the Bible they saw ghosts all the time apparently and didn't think that much of it, because when they saw Jesus walking on water they thought it was a ghost. It did not upset them or cause them to fear. God is supernatural - so the supernatural is normal, not witchcraft. Witchcraft is the doing of evil things, doing spells and hexes, etc. VooDoo is real evil. But ghosts are not any of those things in of themselves. Hope this series keeps going a long time - So many of us enjoy it and it is also educating of other people and what they face. And I usually do not like reality shows at all - but this one is different. I like that difference.

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    I have never watched a show that had more backstabbing and arguing in my life! These women call themselves friends???? I cant believe this show got a 2nd chance around. I was recording the episodes and did watch the first season because at first I kept thinking that it might get better and the writers would stop the madness but season 2 is even worse!!! ALL they are is two-faced, fighting and scamming!!! The two worst ones are Christy and Terra! Then you have Tracy's negative crying self and Christy's hot headed hubby.... Stop the madness!!! The show could be really good if these girls were true friends but they all act like they hate each other! They are really putting little people in a bad light and I know that they are not like this in general!

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