Manhattan Love Story
Manhattan Love Story
TV-PG | 30 September 2014 (USA)

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  • Season 1 : 2014 | 11 Episodes

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    Good idea lost in the noise


    Dreadfully Boring




    I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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    Can we just start off with the fact that I absolutely adore this show!!!!!! I just finished re- watching all of the three episodes for the second time already! I think that it sucks this show is apparently low on ratings already but really this show is funny and amazing for this girl right here! So far with just three episodes premiered, It's already got me on the edge of my seat constantly every time I watch it and I think anyone who actually gives this show a chance will love it! I love the characters they chose and just overall how this show just comes together in such a good way. So ABC please bless this couch potato and keep this show going!

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    After watching the first episode I was pleasantly surprised. It lent a totally new perspective to the RmCom genre. Pretty much a game changer. It had all the signs of becoming a great show. The leads are lovable and not some people you can possibly dislike and the supporting characters are portrayed brilliantly. The internal monologues are intelligent and gives you a comic insight into the mechanics of a relationship and will hopefully, down the road, explore everything involved in a budding and mature relationship. Perspective of both the sexes when offered on the same situation will no doubt be the high point of this series and it will be interesting to watch as to how both sexes handle a specific issue. what they both think and what they both do. It will be interesting and entertaining. i look forward to watching the show.

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    Let me just begin by saying, it seems so weird to me that in a city like New York, there seriously is such a huge focus on just the white people who live there. That thought aside, with Analeigh Tipton continuing to show that being the naive girl next door never gets old, you have Manhattan Love Story. A show which seemingly only comes off even a smidgen unique since we can hear the thoughts of the couple we can focus on. However, being that this is a comedy, naturally said thoughts are a mixed of feelings you would have and thoughts spoken just for the sake of a laugh.Characters & StoryDana (Analeigh Tipton) comes off as your usual small town girl who just came to the big city. She is filled with hopes and dreams, and yet the city she goes to, New York, doesn't necessarily welcome her with open arms. Her friend Amy (Jade Catta-Preta) does, to a point, but certainly not the city as a whole. So, to help Dana become acclimated to the city, and not end up a constant third wheel between Amy and her husband David (Nicholas Wright), she hooks Dana up with her brother-in-law Peter (Jake McDorman).Thus leading to us watching the ever awkward Dana try to take on a new job as a Junior Editor, at a firm which recently downsized, and deal with Peter who is a bit of butt head.PraiseHonestly, I find the gimmick of us getting to hear both Peter and Dana's thoughts cute, and sometimes hilarious. If just because you do have to wonder sometimes in shows like this "What were they thinking!?" and it seems we may often get the answer to that question. Now, as for the story presented, I'm of the opinion that it would have been nicer if Tipton was the star and Peter was more so a love interest than co-star. If just because, while the whole new girl to the city thing has been done before, I honestly felt more invested in her than Peter. Especially since co-workers Sue (Nadia Dajani) and Brian (Ajay Naidu) seemed to be ready to ostracize her and make her life in the firm a living hell. And while Sue backed down from the position, after Dana stood up for herself, Brian seems like he may remain a problem.Thus creating the idea that as much as Dana maybe sugar sweet, naive, and a tad awkward, this doesn't mean she is like many a female protagonist who can't, or won't, stick up for themselves just because they want to be liked. Something rather refreshing to me since I always hated when a character would constantly vent how they hated their job and yet didn't try to make the situation better at all. Leading to me ultimately feeling a bit attached to Dana and wanting to see good things happen to her.CriticismBut while Dana is praise worthy, the rest of the show is a work in progress. Starting with Peter, he seems like the generic butt wipe who usually is reserved to be the first bad love experience a character has early on in a show. However, being that he shares top billing with Tipton, it seems McDorman is going to stick around for a while. Though it isn't just him I find hard to like, or get into. Amy is a bit too pushy and doesn't come off like a big sister, or even a motherly type. She is more so a control freak who barely seems human, but more so a character who you have likely seen, in a similar form, on another TV show. Then, when it comes to her husband David, honestly the only thing I can remember about him is that he has a keen interest in knowing if Amy and Dana hooked up in college. Outside of that, I'm sort of unsure if he may have a legit purpose on this show.Leaving one last issue: gender stereotyping. Now, let it be known I'm not a social justice warrior, but I find it weird our introduction to the whole "you will hear their thoughts as they go throughout their day" gimmick had Peter just evaluating women as he walked down the street, and then Dana evaluating hand bags as she walked down the street. For while I get this is supposed to help establish these characters, I feel like they could have made a better introduction for these two. Also, I really did not understand why, on ABC of all stations, when Peter was crying when seeing the Statue of Liberty with Dana, she questioned whether he was gay. For, unless this was to establish maybe where she grew up men didn't cry, it seemed like a rather odd comment for her to make. In her thoughts mind you.Overall: Stick AroundThis show to me is likable, mostly because of Tipton, and is worth sticking around for. However, I do feel Amy, Peter, and David need to be developed and evolve for this series to really have legs on it. For while the romance between Peter and Dana is certainly cute, and knowing what they are thinking helps, Tipton's character is the only one, I feel, that comes off likable and genuine in some way. Everyone else seems like they are playing some character from a comedy movie which bombed at the box office because it utterly sucked.

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    After seeing the trailer for this show, i was sure this is another regular romcom like many others on TV. But being a romance freak that i am, i gave it a shot and watched it. And thank god i did.Pilot to this show is very promising. The awkward first date between two person in Manhattan and the self mumbling in their head was cute and adoring. I already love the lead female and her rather soft and yet firm attitude towards life. And the lead male, with his dreamy voice and laid back attitude like any other bachelor or playboy wanna be (though seen many times on TV) works well.But last of all thanks to the writer to this show for making a great script where a regular romance appears surprisingly new and refreshing.Awkward but cute, Cliché and yet interesting. Looking forward to the next episode.

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