Midnight Sun
Midnight Sun
| 23 October 2016 (USA)

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  • Season 1 : 2016 | 8 Episodes

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    This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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    A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

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    Jenna Walter

    The film may be flawed, but its message is not.

    Janae Milner

    Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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    First I was a bit disappointed, I had no expectations at all, but the first episode was a bit slow for me. I kept on watching because of the nice scenery it plays on. The whole police investigation looked like a sort of chaos, they were tapping in the dark and the small details they found out just didn't add up but then there was a turning point and after that every little puzzle came to its place. It was very exciting and the places where they made the film were really breathtaking.

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    Another reviewers have said it already - this has some profoundly illogical and poorly conceived plot elements.I love Scandanavian crime noir, being a near fanatical devotee of The Bridge, and fan of Wallander and the Millenium series, so I was looking forward to this edgy, atmospheric contribution. I wanted to like it, but the plot flaws were too striking for me to fully engage.Rather than go through all the plot flaws in detail, and it is actually pretty relentless, I will critique just a few of them that really irked me!* Massive Spoiler Alert*The first murder is ludicrous. The means of death, strapping someone to a helicopter rotor blade defies description. Where to begin? First, what inertial forces are produced by a rotor in motion? Well, pretty huge actually - and easily enough to kill someone, but you actually need a high differential force to rip a head off. But that doesn't even really bother me. I am an engineer/physicist, and I haven't bothered to work out its feasibility, because it is just so stupid on other levels. As a means of death, well the victim will pass out before they die, and they will die before the massive physical damage is evident. As other critics have pointed out, the unbalance in the rotor would prevent it ever getting up to speed. Then, even if that were all OK, to kill someone this way you have to steal a helicopter (from a small company with 3 vehicles!), fly it to the middle of nowhere, and then presumably walk home - all without being detected in any of the 17 ways this can go wrong! And even if all that is conceded all that, that specific means of death was not a necessary plot/thematic element - so basically it's a pile of rubbish for nothing. It really felt that the show's producers thought it would be very edgy and noir. Am I being picky?In one of the plot constructions, 10 years previous to the present day, one of the characters has his son murdered (drowned) in front of him, while he is tied down to watch. This murder, in this cockamamie world, was a threat. Like, you tell the cops and we'll...er...kill your son, the most precious thing in your life? Oh wait,we just did that! I would think that to callously murder someone's son in front of them, and then release the guy with this so called "warning" is more likely to incite a vicious, homicidal retaliation! Wouldn't it?And so it goes. You get the drift. All edge, no sense. Or all tip, no iceberg, as the saying goes.Other elements of the plot were interesting, but none of the characters ever settled down to something plausible and relatable.The series' joke was a good one. This is where a wise shaman is asked where another, more elusive shaman, with expert knowledge in drugs and poisons, could be found. Long pause..."Facebook" she replied. Ho ho.Despite my negative comments here I found the show kind of watchable on a rainy day. hence the 3/10.

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    This is a series which requires concentration as there are several story lines intertwined. Going back in time to where the story started is the start of a fascinating journey to the present events and it is told in a thrilling way... As a huge fan of Scandi Noir such as The Bridge, Jordskott, Trapped,The Tunnel, we binge watched this show on SBS on Demand in Australia over three nights and couldn't get enough of it... Haunting music, magnificent scenery and a cast who were fantastic especially Leila Bekhti, Gustaf Hammerson, Richard Ulfsater and Iggy Malmborg. In addition to the fine acting add some scenes that really made us sit up and take notice - this is Scandi Noir on steroids... Loved it!

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    I love foreign movies. Especially any Nordic type ones. So of course I was drawn to this the minute I saw it advertised down here on SBS television in Australia. I've only watched episode 1. The first 3 minutes certainly got my interest, that's for sure. Pretty shocking.The self harm bit early on at the traffic lights by our heroine made me roll my eyes and I thought oh god no, not this old chestnut again as part of the storyline, pah-leeese!! It actually irritated me enough to think about turning it off right then and there.BUT ... I'm so glad I didn't. Because by the 36th minute I was shocked/horrified (again), gripped - and now totally hooked! Gotta love those Swedish film makers; this is great stuff and looks like being something pretty damn good. And the back story of the self harm and our heroine's personal angst has so far not been expanded upon, so I guess that is yet to come. But all is forgiven! I'm liking everything else too much to feel annoyed by it anymore.I was only going to watch 1 episode then off to bed - but no, I am absolutely compelled to watch just one more episode - at least!

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