Alaska Monsters
Alaska Monsters
TV-14 | 12 September 2014 (USA)

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  • Season 2 : 2015 | 10 Episodes

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    Wonderful character development!


    Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.

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    How wonderful it is to see this fine actress carry a film and carry it so beautifully.

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    I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.

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    After reading all the reviews on here, I am some what shocked. Of course this show is similar to "Mountain Monsters". I guess I am one of a very few that find this kind of entertainment really cool and really fun. I know these guys aren't going to capture anything, except for themselves, maybe and I do believe that Bigfoot is real, as well as some other type creatures not known yet. But it's loads of fun and Alaska has the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen. So chill out and enjoy the storylines as they unfold and don't take it too seriously. IT'S ALL IN FUN.

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    This group of "hunters" are such big drama queens. So fake ake and exaggerated that it's comical. What a waste of time!

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    This is a ripoff of mountain monsters. I mean they didn't even try for a completely different name. they even have similar characters are you kidding me. I love watching mountain monsters I came across this show by chance I watched 10 minutes of it maybe not even and I could see That this is a copy of mountain monsters. Alaska monsters 1 1.that's just too similar a name 2. If you've watched mountain monsters even just one episode and then watch Alaska monsters for one episode can see another very very similar and this is horrible I hate this show when I suggest you don't watch it but you can watch it if you want to it's a rip off of mountain monsters just so you know

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    I can't figure out of Destination America is some invention by Langley to help you stigmatize irrational fear into something that just seems real enough to believe ? or what.How bad does it get?This show is worse than bad.This show isn't doing any favors for Alaska Tourism, that's for sure.If you want to witness intentional provocation of baseless fears ?This show is for you.The characters look more like they've put their meth lab money together to start a TV station to 'spook' anyone away from their lab locations. Something is very suspicious about Destination America and the baseless fear it seeks to derive in the viewer.The landscape is absolutely beautiful though in many shots, and in my opinion - is the only thing of value with this show.However I would prefer someone SIMPLY just run a TV show showing the absolute beauty of Alaska. In my opinion, I can't decide which is scarier, Alaska's heroin problem deriving from 90% export base in Pakistan or that this show is even on the air. The attempts at psychologically terrorizing you from this show and others on this network ? Are on par with other attempts by unsaid major share holders of unsaid media networks in the United States.No, do not fear the Otterman, and do not live in fear of terrorism, Phil Mudd, recently retired from Langley puts it VERY CLEAR AND SIMPLE - terrorists are nothing but punk criminals - PERIOD. And from the looks of the characters on THIS show ? I'd say, these guys look like they probably have some history in some prison SOMEWHERE, and if not ? They would make GREAT candidates to promote baseless fear and propaganda. Where I come from ? You evolve that skill. That's why I can spot these clowns - you do some trimming around the edges ? drop the guy who didn't finish 6th grade? This show could go places in the right political contexts globally.

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