Murder in Suburbia
Murder in Suburbia
| 13 March 2004 (USA)
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An action-packed slog


n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.

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Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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Lachlan Coulson

This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.

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I have sampled a lot of series. I can be easily bored, and often I will last through two or three episodes, but then start to lose interest. This is not a slam on the various series, just a quirk with me. (If I'm really going to hate something, I'll know after one episode.)This show did not follow that pattern with me, as I watched the first six in one sitting. It would be easy, at least as a Yank, to compare this to Midsomer Murders. And it wouldn't be far off to say it is a less over-the-top variation on that show. But that wouldn't be fair, as Caroline Catz and Lisa Faulkner are more believable as partners than either of the Barnabys and their various DSes. One review I saw called this show "wry," and that's a very good word for it. You won't bust out laughing very often (2-3 times per show), but you'll have a smile fixed on your face for the entire viewing.Murder in Suburbia never takes itself seriously, as one would expect, but it has a certain sophistication nonetheless. Most of all, it is compulsively watchable and as comfortable as your favorite jeans. Can't miss.

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This entertaining 2004 British mystery series takes place in the fictional English town of Middleford. Caroline Catz plays Inspector Kate Ashurst and Lisa Faulkner plays Sergeant Emma Scribbins, two well-dressed, wise-cracking, female detectives who must face a variety of grisly murders in the well-manicured suburban homes of Middleford, but who also are facing an unmarried middle age squarely in the mirror. The crimes they solve are clever and bizarre enough to make them interesting, and the suspects are just trendy and snobby enough that you just know they must be Mac users. Kate's romantic subplot centers on her hapless pursuit of their handsome supervisor, Chief Inspector Sullivan, played by Jeremy Sheffield. Emma's love life is a bit more varied with any number of odd sorts, all having dubious qualities. My wife and I have viewed this series many times and find something new and enjoyable with each viewing. Highly recommended!

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An American chap commented earlier that 'This is the *best* whodunit mystery show that I have scene {sic} in years'. He then names some American copper-dramas that he thinks are inferior to this. I don't know the shows to which he refers, so all I can say is, well, if this is 'the *best*' then American television must really be in dire straits. MiS isn't even really a 'whodunit mystery show' at all, is it? I mean, the writing is so weak that it is not unusual for the perpetrator to come out of the attic in the last five minutes of the programme. What ever happened to the principle that the guilty party should be seen -- but not recognised -- in the _first_ five minutes?Actually, I think the IMDb classification of this programme as Crime/Drama is altogether wrong. I think it should be Crime/Comedy. It's the banter and the inter-personal exchanges that make this programme, not the crime-solving aspect. (Have you noticed, for example, that no one else in the police station ever speaks, except for the three leads?)This is a fantasy programme and should be appreciated as such. If our Yank friend thinks this is good 'whodunit', then he might well be interested in exploring other of the many -- and many _better_ -- of the British police / crime / mystery series over the years.cheers,Henry

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This is a fun series. It bears little resemblance to either real-life murder investigations, or life in modern English suburbia, but it's very entertaining. You should know that, if you're ever murdered on a visit to England, your death will NOT be investigated by a 2 person team of glamorous models. Compared to the USA they don't have many murders in England. When they do, they put a large team on the case, led by senior police officers.This series follows the American "partner" model, but is otherwise very British, especially in the low key humor. You won't actually care WHO "dunnit", but you will enjoy the banter, and "Scribbs" occasionally disrobes. I recommend it.

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