North & South
North & South
| 14 November 2004 (USA)

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  • Season 1 : 2004 | 4 Episodes

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    The greatest movie ever made..!


    Stylish but barely mediocre overall


    Did you people see the same film I saw?

    Usamah Harvey

    The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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    I had not read the book and I'm ashamed to say I haven't read many of the classics but why read them when I can watch them so beautifully? I loved watching how each character changed in the duration of the four episodes and wished it was longer. You really felt Margaret's disdain and then loyalty to the union workers plight. It's like she really was looking from the outside and seeing both sides. Well done!

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    As a fan of Pride and Prejudice I love these old British tales from Victorian England such as Jane Austen and Eliz Caskell. I kind of stumbled into North and South and was floored on how well it is done. The BBC takes enormous pains to develop each character to a fine depth and endearment and fleshes out all the nuances. The subdued feelings and manners of the time and the repressed and polite discourse; then it is finessed into a wonderful emotional crescendo at the end.I was hysterically crying when my WIFE walked in after binge watching all four hours on Netflix. How wonderful it is done! And I thought P&P was the benchmark! No longer.Yes, I went to USC Film School and worked in the film industry for awhile but that did nothing to suspend my thoughts of today and be swept back to 1845 England. Both lead actors do superb jobs in their roles and the technical aspects of a mill town of the Industrial Revolution is well crafted and adeptly displayed. Job well done BBC!

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    Shaily Rahman

    North & South took my breath away. I can find no fault in it and at the risk of causing a literary uproar, I think this is better than Pride and Prejudice. And Richard Armitage, oh my goodness! Who knew the same guy who played Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit could be such a heartthrob? The beauty of this series though, in my opinion, is that there is so much more to it than just romance. By the end of the series, I was crying for the fictional characters not out of sorrow, for the first time in my life, but out of joy! Brilliant stuff.

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    Funnily enough I first fell in love with the music from this series (beautiful composition) but held off watching it due to exams. As soon as my last exam finished I watched it and became so enthralled in the story I had to watch all four parts at once! I then watched again a week later and was just enthralled!There are so many components of this series that make it fantastic! The story for one. The cinematography, design and music is also outstanding and really draws you in to the world of milton. The thing that really made the film for me was the acting! All the actors really paid credit to their characters, in particular Richard armitage He played both the tough, stern Thornton and the loving sides of thornton so well that parts of it.. especially the end scene.. literally took my breath away! Absolutely incredible film.. Everyone should watch it!

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