Not Safe with Nikki Glaser
Not Safe with Nikki Glaser
TV-MA | 09 February 2016 (USA)

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  • 1
  • Season 1 : 2016 | 20 Episodes

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    To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.

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    a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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    Jayden-Lee Thomson

    One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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    For the people who complained about this show - look at the title: "NOT SAFE"...This show is/was hysterical and touched on some sensitive topics; here's an idea just turn the channel next time and/or don't watch. Go be puritanical some where else.

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    This show should be called Not Funny because that's what it is.It's just a rip off of countless other crappy shows, minus the humor.They sit on a couch,watch videos and never say anything funny.It's just inappropriate sex talk.Maybe they are going for the "empowered woman" demo?Idiots are watching that terrible Amy Schumer show, why not make a new show with an equally ugly and unfunny fake blonde?I can never understand what the people at Comedy Central are thinking.They have cancelled dozens of great shows after 8 to 10 episodes but they will let this crap go for years.I know one thing for sure, when this show ends you will never hear of Nikki Glaser again.Unless you go to dive bars to see stand-up comedians.

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    This is one of the few shows that still makes me laugh out loud regularly. While I can sit through Trevor Noah's Daily Show with not even a chuckle, Nikki can actually make me guffaw. I see some people complaining that she's talking about sex- that's just who Nikki is. It's what she talks about. Sometimes, you go with what you're good at, and I'm glad she did! Some of the scenes are uncomfortable to sit through, but they're SUPPOSED to be (like the lie detector test segments). This show definitely pushes the envelope, ESPECIALLY for comedy central. The guests are funny, the vignettes are well done, and it doesn't feel like a re-hash of everything else. Nikki puts herself in the hot-seat quite often, and embarrasses herself while making us laugh- watch the foot episode and you'll see what I mean! The first few episodes I was unsure, but six in, and not only am I hooked, but I felt the show deserved a proper review, not one by some uptight windbag giving the show a completely undeserved ONE STAR? If you like FUNNY, check this show out. If you like your humor crass and a bit on the edgy side, you, like me, will probably laugh your socks off. Pro-tip, check out the comedy central page for some uncensored video clips from the shows, it has some of the funnier ones (my recommendations- the lie detectors and the photo-shoot). Form your own opinion :D

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    Nikki Glaser is one of those people you see on TV and find yourself asking, "isn't she that woman, wait...that was someone else..." Reason being, her show and brand of "humor" has become so cloyingly formulaic that she simply represents an amalgamation of any number of aspiring comedians who try to make up in shock-value what they lack in substance. The only problem is it's already been done before (over and over) so it's really not even shocking anymore...just creepy.I'm not sure who is responsible for giving her this "break", but per the formula Comedy Central is hedging its bets each episode by including semi-recognizable characters to pick up the slack in Nikki's routine (hint: there's a LOT of slack). Just bad.

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