| 22 August 2010 (USA)
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  • Season 7 : 2017 | 10 Episodes

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    Perfectly adorable


    Masterful Cinema


    I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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    Frances Chung

    Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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    I stumbled upon this show through Netflix suggestion. From episode 1 I was hooked. I'm honestly surprised it has not received more attention in the US. I tell everyone to watch it.

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    It would be a great show and I do love it but it would be better if they wouldn't of killed off so many characters randomly and if everyone would stop leaving the show 1 by 1 other than that I love it

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    David (daddydow)

    I found this series after it being noted by a friend as their current addiction.I ended up streaming all 7 seasons within a 2 week time span.Wonderfully quirky and immensely dramatic.I have fallen in love with the cast and writing, I at times will begin a show hating a character and by the end will love them again.The insanity that is Nina's thoughts, her daydream sequences and many times her actions do tend to help move the story forward even when the immensely dramatic scenes seem to hold it back or slow it down.A wonderful mix of drama, comedy and family.Offspring is worth your attention.

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    I've been binge watching the show in the evenings over the last few weeks. This show has been a great source of enjoyment for me and a much loved escape from the stress of every day life. And then they decided to suddenly, randomly and callously kill off Patrick's character. At first I thought and prayed it was one of Nina's visions/nightmares. But it kept going. I was in shock, I was angry, I was hurt, I cried more than I care to admit. And then the show that was once a source of great joy in my life suddenly became a source of great misery. I was no longer looking forward to watching it, I no longer enjoyed watching it either. When a show becomes MORE stressful than your real life, this is inevitable. I struggled through and forced myself to watch the fifth season, the first half of which I mostly cried through every time there was a Patrick scene and then I found myself resenting Nina for finally choosing to move on. Overall, definitely not enjoyable, unless you enjoy crying for hours and feeling like you've been kicked in the guts. I understand the actor had to move on and the writers felt they were too committed to each other to break up again and that it would be too cliché, but did it ever occur to them how this would emotionally affect viewers? At least then, we would be able to give Nina permission to move on, we'd be happy for her. We'd be able to move on ourselves. They were in counselling, so it's not like their relationship was perfect. It would have been believable for them to break up. Surely they could have found a way, any other way to cut the character that wouldn't be so hard on viewers. On that note, I felt it was really cruel and unconscionable of the writers to kill off Patrick a mere week before he was going to meet his child when he had experienced a still birth previously. Like he didn't have the right to ever experience being a father. And leaving Nina, the woman who had brought so many other women's children into the world who had their husbands by their sides was not given that same right. She was to bring her child into the world without her partner and the father of her child by her side. Just really low. If they were going to kill him off, why not do it after the child is born, give him the chance to at least meet her! No, I'm not happy with what they did to Patrick and frankly, the show will never be the same now. His death has immortalised him as the perfect partner for Nina, her "great love" and no one will ever measure up, when their relationship was far from perfect and it could have just run its natural course and we could have followed Nina's life onwards and upwards, while being allowed to be happy for her, without being left to permanently wallow in grief and sadness. I also feel that this was a light-hearted and zany comedy before and now I can't bring myself to find it funny anymore, because even moments of humour are draped in darkness and despair following what happened. I know this was probably an attempt at a ratings grab, and it may well have worked on other viewers, but you have lost me as a viewer. It's not just the shock and sadness of what has happened, I am genuinely not in the least bit interested to find out what happens in Nina's life henceforth, and certainly will not sit through her new romance with some snoozefest love interest. And no, I'm not one of those people who say they won't watch anymore and then watch anyway. Once I write off a show, there's no going back for me ever. So this is it for me, thanks Offspring writers/producers for needlessly ruining a once fantastic show.

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