Planet Sheen
Planet Sheen
TV-Y7 | 02 October 2010 (USA)

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  • 1
  • Season 1 : 2010 | 50 Episodes

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    Absolutely amazing


    Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

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    I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.

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    .Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

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    Sheen Estevez, our protagonist, despite a warning from his friend Jimmy Neutron about a button on his ship presses it to see what happens. He finds himself on another planet. No humans... The planet is ruled by "The Emperor". Sheen is pursued by Dorkis, our adorable clueless bad guy, who has intentions of capturing our protagonist. Sheen is accompanied by Nesmith, a talking talking chimpanzee who has also found himself marooned upon this planet. Planet Sheen is one of those Spin- Offs that nobody asked and when we hoped it was going to be great it turned out to be this? Don't get me wrong it had it's moments but i finished some episodes only there's annoying girl with 2 faces and a poor villain that wants Sheen dead and it's just not Jimmy anymore it's just a dumb show about a character that we are supposed to care but we don't i'll give it an 5.0/10

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    I don't quite get all of the hate for this animated show. I understand that Jimmy Neutron is considered the better show, but Planet Sheen is very silly, and often quite funny. I didn't think this at first, though. Sheen is an ignorant, self-centered, irritating character. He is surrounded (mostly) by alien idiots who adore him for no good reason. But once I got over those minor-bordering-on-major annoyances, I started enjoying Planet Sheen very much. Sheen and his associates may be annoying, but they are also good-hearted, loyal, and funny as all get-out. And more importantly, my 7 year old niece and nephew LOVE Planet Sheen. Sheen makes for a nice 20 minute after-dinner babysitter.

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    My daughter and I love this show!!! We laugh our butts off watching it. The characters are awesome and the writing is pure genius. I love Sheen more in this show than I did in Jimmy Neutron and I liked him a lot in that show. I wish Nickelodeon would still show this but alas they would rather show lame teeny-bopper shows like victorious and big time rush.Luckily it can be seen on Nicktoons. I am glad I upgraded my satellite package too include Nicktoons recently!!! Unfortunately I haven't seen too many new episodes except for one that was about Nesmith getting sick and Sheen and Doppy looking for the cure. I hope they keep making new episodes. I will continue to watch reruns because I love the show that much!!!

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    I like Jimmy Neutron but I like Sheen even more. The little moral lessons are fun and the addition of the monkey as a straight man is classic. The transformation of Sheen's character is the whole point of this show and it's best feature. It is strange though that Sheen is not more focused on getting home, but given his set up he is doing pretty well. He has a girl he likes, a home, and even a friend that reminds him of Karl. He seems to rejoice in the strangeness of his new surroundings, even participating at times. The episode where he planted a tortilla seed being a case in point. I expect a home sickness episode to come along sometime... This is by far one of the funniest shows nick has produced.

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