Retired at 35
Retired at 35
TV-PG | 19 January 2011 (USA)
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  • Season 2 : 2012 | 10 Episodes

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    I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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    Brilliant and touching


    I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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    This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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    I watched all twenty episodes and was bummed when TVLand canceled it. I enjoyed the show. I thought the plot was okay, the acting is decent, and I have always liked George Segal. The premise that a 35 year old would retire (quit), move to Florida where his parents are living separated,then mooches off of them is actually not that far fetched in the current and recently past economy. Many adult children have in fact had to move back in with their parent(s). This short lived series just takes it to a comedic level. Then there is the lumpy adolescently gifted side kick who is always getting the son in to schemes that don't pan out. All in all I think this is a good show and I hope TVLand is showing reruns now to see if there is enough of an audience to start airing new episodes.

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    The premise of this show was good , it had a lot of potential but ended up falling flat on it's face. It works every cliché that comedies in the 50's and 60's used to do . Whether a line or gag is funny doesn't matter as the laugh track is used for just about every other spoken line. And most of the lines aren't funny. I've caught the first few episodes and the writers seem to think that George Segal and Jessica Walters hamming it up is funny which it is not. The son also comes across as nothing more than a pouty teenager who wants his own room etc. The supporting characters do nothing to help and are simply there to fill the room.I cannot see this show lasting more than a season or two when even shows that have been off the air for years are getting higher ratings in reruns.

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    I'm writing this review for one reason. This thing turned itself around hard. I have no idea if they got new writers or what, but after the first two episodes I was like everybody else and ready to bail on the show. But I gave it one more shot and it totally swayed me. They've aired 4 episodes as I write this and the last two are hugely better than the first two, which were kind of all over the place and not very funny.The show seems to have settled down and figured out what it wants to be, which looks like a throwback comedy with some basic conflict and a cute resolution at the end. And I'd say it does that slightly better than average.One thing I will say though, in reading some of the early stuff on here, the guy who plays David, Johnathan McClain, seems to have caught some heat, which is crazy to me. I think dude's the best thing about the show. I read a review of this series in The Daily News which called his work solid, and I totally agree, and in the last two episodes he's far and away the funniest part of the show. He seems natural and comfortable on screen, and frankly looks like he's putting way more effort into making the thing work than George Segal and Jessica Walters. Somebody I read said they should have gotten Matthew Perry, which is weird because to me dude seems to be playing a cross between Perry and Schwimmer, which is kind of how the part's written, so I think the guy's doing great.I mean all in all, it's not like amazing and it's not gonna change TV, but I don't think that's probably the point. My girlfriend watches Hot In Cleveland, which I kind of sit through, but then this comes on and I've got no problem watching it before we go to bed.If it keeps going in the direction it's headed, I think it could go from being pretty good to just plain good. We'll see.

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    The latest new sitcom from TV Land, Retired at 35 revolves around David, a harried executive whose company manufactures "food-related wood products" (toothpicks, Popsicle sticks, etc.). On a visit to his parents in Florida, the constant interruptions of his mother's birthday party by David's boss lead him to quit. On the heels of this life-changing announcement, David's mother announces a life-changer of her own; she's moving to Europe so she can paint naked men."Retired at 35" doesn't miss very many sitcom clichés in its first episode. Fans of "Three's Company" will recognize David's parents Alan and Elaine as a retread of the Ropers, right down to the dumb and inappropriate sex talk in front of their children. David's sister is yet another in a long line of "Mom and Dad always liked you best" younger sisters. Alan's friend Richard perfectly captures the show's level of humor when he describes Cialis and marijuana as "a toke and a poke". And then there's Paul, the sister's "is he gay or not" boyfriend. Really? In 2011 we're still getting a Bearnaise sauce-cooking, do I look fat in these jeans Monroe Ficus character?Don't waste your time. There's nothing in this show that you haven't seen done, and done better, a hundred times before.

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