Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory
Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory
TV-PG | 08 February 2009 (USA)

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  • Season 7 : 2015 | 10 Episodes

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    i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.


    Good idea lost in the noise


    Good , But It Is Overrated By Some

    Aneesa Wardle

    The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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    Rob has done it again.I started watching Rob & Big two years ago. I had seen clips of episodes before and wondered (like the Wall Street Journal once did) who is this C-list celebrity and how did he get a show on MTV. I believe my man-crush began like any other, on a day full of boredom and endless reruns of Rob & Big. I decided to give the show a serious watch all the way through. By the end of one episode, I was intrigued to see another. I couldn't understand how some random dude could have enough material for a season. Several episodes later, I realized the energy behind Mr. Dyrdek is one of a kind; plus, Big Black brings a welcomed balance to the show. I cannot deny the sometimes ridiculously staged appearance of the main plot, however the raw chemistry between the two stars--found in Rob D. and Big Black--really solidified the content and extreme hilarity from show to show.Rob's energy and innovative spirit has not waned in the creation of Fantasy Factory. He still produces laughs that I record to later show my friends. You'll find yourself unable to guess what he can come up with next, whether it's having his father fart in lieu of a confiscated fart machine or dressing as the Carl's Jr. star or even performing as Bobby Light before an audience awaiting Blink-182. It is this very energy coupled with quick wit that keeps the interest of his viewership.You can think the show is staged or odd or what-have-you. But you cannot deny the uniqueness this show offers in an extremely insipid lineup found on MTV these days. If this show isn't for you, I suggest you stick with The Hills--Heidi and Spencer will appreciate your patronage.(I give this 10 points to balance out the negativity of a certain other reviewer who obviously has his/her panties in a wad...)

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    I'm actually falling in Love with this show. At first I was a bit disappointed that Rob & Big was over, so i really didn't give it a chance. But, i have recently watched a number of episodes, and i have to say, i think I like it as much, or if not more than Rob & Big. Rob, Drama and the rest of the gang are doing a great job. From making the worlds biggest skate board, to going on vacation with Robs parents, to making a crazy music video or getting attacked by sharks, Rob D's fantasy factory is awesome. The over all feel of the show has stayed the same as well from its previous series, being Rob & Big. Its still has its hilarious moments, and its almost heart warming genuine moments. I think its interesting watching Drama as well get along with Rob like he does know, compared to the other show. The new characters are all good too. And of course, they are always still doing crazy stuff. Long live the Fantasy Factory. think its going to get better and better.

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    Rob does well to support the show on his own and although we all miss Big Black, Fantasy Factory is a phenomenal show. Here's some of the things it has going for it: A foam pit - nuff said, Rob - nuff said, Other celebrities guest, starring Drama... - not enough said, Tennis ball gun - sadly not a net gun but still, Crazy basketball shots. Its very clear that Rob is still hard at work on this show and is constantly coming up with new and creative ideas to fill every episode with hilarity. I honestly cannot say enough about how well this show does even after the sad departure of Big Black. I'm also pretty sure MTV agrees, having given it the prime 9:00 slot on Thursdays. I literally registered for this site so I could defend this show (from a certain other commenter) Keep it up Rob

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    The show is OK, i was actually expecting much less from this and the first episode was a disappointment but the second was better and after that it was OK.Rob should have also put in BamBam or Big Zeus from the Chunky Boys to give it a little something more and even have Big Black in few episodes, but have not seen that yet.Mostly Rob & Big was known from Christopher Big Blacks good attitude and that probably eventually gave the best ratings for it.I definitely miss Big Black while watching this and BamBam, but i guess life goes on and the last episode of Rob & Big was very sad so they should show how are Rob & Big today even tough they don't see each other that much anymore.The show isn't as bas as you might think, but it could be a lot better.

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