Secret City
Secret City
TV-MA | 05 June 2016 (USA)
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  • Season 2 : 2019 | 6 Episodes

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    Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.


    Let's be realistic.


    Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.

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    Cissy Évelyne

    It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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    I am unsure why some people have given this series bad reviews, perhaps they should of watched more than one episode. It does take a couple of episodes to get into but by then I couldn't stop watching and finished the series in two days. Very good acting, interesting story line and probably not far from the truth.

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    The first scene in series was quite electrifying and certainly got my attention, there was a good story developing with a suspicious death and rising tensions in the pacific causing concern in the government. But not a few minutes more into the episode and we are introduced to a transsexual working in intelligence as one of the main characters, quite sad to be honest that i cannot watch an Aussie show without some agenda being shoved down my throat. Say what you will, i immediately went back to Netflix home and watched the other 99% of shows that doesn't have this left wing slant government funded Australian shows seem to have these days, once again quite disappointing for what seemed like a good premise.

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    I finished season one of Secret City last night and have to say there was NO redemption for their treatment of the trans character, Kim Gordon, whatsoever. In fact, they got one final transphobic jab at her, surprisingly coming from Anna Torv's character, Harriet, who is Kim's ex-wife.Harriet had just slept with her dead ex, Kim's lover and said, "So you do like women."It just seems to be an accurate portrayal of Australia's typical misogyny and vile treatment of trans women. Whether that was their intention or not is another matter. It's disappointing to see an actress, like Anna Torv, who had previously seemed capable of sensitive portrayals, get it so wrong.

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    This is a pretty good spy thriller and Anna Torv is excellent in it. I do wish they had cast a transgendered woman as the transgendered character and not made her story quite so cliched. I know this is a few years old so the memo about Trans casting hadn't arrived down under, but someone like Jamie Clayton would have nailed the character of Kim. Still, I will probably watch the second season on the strength of Anna Torv's work here. It's also fun as an American to watch a spy thriller that centers around Austrailia and China rather than the UK or Russia and the US.

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