Secret Smile
Secret Smile
| 12 December 2005 (USA)
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At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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Asad Almond

A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.

Chad Kinnair

I watched this 2 part Drama with my family and it was definitely the most disturbing drama I have ever seen. It is likely that I will ever watch this film again and I'm not prepared to let any of my friends see this. It is very disturbing yet fantastically written and Bloody Brill!The 2nd part was very sad. The woman does get raped, as I expected and there is a dramatic twist.*** DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU DON'T WANNA SPOILER! *** Well.... the ending, as I said, such a DRAMATIC twist. The victim of the rape and apparent 'Murder' goes to Australia while David Tennent (Actor of the weirdo :) has being found guilty at the Court. The police think she is dead but when the young woman's parents go to Australia they discover her, undercover! .... You need to watch it to get this!!!!HIGHLY Recommend :)

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Oh, Yawn. Not another chick flick where the men are all pigs and the women will get even for the abuse they suffered. The only difference is that, in this film, everybody's a pig or has mush for brains. I hated this film for the moral issue of why it's right to send a man to prison for life for a murder he didn't commit. Is that a more immoral act than his abuse and deviousness. This movie shows all the situational ethics of bad writing. I saw it on the CBC's "Best of Britain" series. If this is Britain's best, no wonder the British film industry is in trouble.The only bright spot in this film was David Tennant, He plays his character as so despicable that I'm likely to spit on the next person who speaks with a Scottish accent. Kate Ashfield tries to play the victim but comes off in the end as immorally devious as David Tennant's character. They deserve each other.In the mush for brains category are the parents who see nothing wrong with the obviously psychotic Brendan. English policemen are made out to be so incompetent that they're unfit to give out traffic tickets. The British Policeman's Union should sue the makers of this film for defamation.This film isn't worth the electricity it takes to run your DVD to watch it.

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This drama is based on the novel by Nicci French.Having read the book i hoped that they would be true to the story,and they were. David Tennant was absolutely chilling as the creepy,but handsome and charismatic Brendan Block.A total departure from Doctor Who.There is none of his quirkiness in this drama.Brendan Block is EVIL.This i would say is one of David Tennant's best roles to date. Kate Ashfield as Miranda Cotton is brilliant too.Her portrayal as the heroine who refuses to give up,until she nails Block was fantastic. Claire Goose put in a very good performance as Kerry (miranda's sister,and one of Block's victims) Miranda meets Brendan,and after a torrid ten day relationship,finishes with him,after she catches him reading her diary,and rifling through her belongings. He can't accept this,and sets out to take revenge on her,and basically ruin her life,starting with Kerry. The drama continues to hold you,until the very end scene. Will Miranda stop him,or will Brendan ruin her life,and threaten her friendships,relationships,and very sanity. A totally absorbing drama to the end. From the same director of the recent excellent drama See No Evil.

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I haven't read the book of this and based on this adaptation, will not bother. I hated every character in this show - Miranda was slutty, selfish and mumbled miserably through the appalling dialogue, her sister was a total wimp, and this was the worst depiction of manic-depression I have ever seen. I have a degree in Psychology, and this was not accurate. In fact, until it was mentioned, I did not realise Troy was supposed to be bipolar - I thought he was a normal, slightly grumpy teenager.The only saving grace in this stupid show was David Tennant, whose brilliantly psychotic performance was the only thing that got me to watch the second half. Clearly the writers and producers of this show have not done any research - Troy's mental problems are not remotely accurate, nor are the forensics involved in the "twist" ending (and if you did not spot that a mile off, you are a big ole dummy!) Utter garbage.

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