TV-MA | 05 November 2017 (USA)

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  • Season 2 : 2019 | 10 Episodes

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    Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.

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    Joanna Mccarty

    Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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    Ezmae Chang

    This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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    True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.

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    Just watch it- It is darkly beautiful, tragic, hilarious, real, fantastic, and genuine in the cinematic sense. It is a dichotomy all around, and it is a much needed thing in the world of entertainment; female powered! Frankie Shaw is a force to be reckoned with!

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    Want to see why our culture is going to hell? Want to see why young women are going to hell? Want to see some talentless people trying to act? Then watch this mess. And be glad you raised your kids to be civilized.

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    James Wright

    This show both stands and falls by the fact that its lead wrote the script and it is based on their life experiences.On the one hand this makes it a well acted and introspective look at the life and struggles of a single mother, with some original takes on everyday situations and it certainly has a lot to say. On the other hand though there are some things that are a little too self-indulgent or one-sided, and while this may be an unpopular opinion, the perceivable age difference between the creator and the character is somewhat jarring. It comes across like the lead should be a woman in her early 20s, but instead of casting someone of the age appropriate to the story she is trying to tell, she instead cast herself, which may be more ego in this case than anything else. (It was the initial noticing of this that made me question if it was written by the actress in the first place, as the choice would seem strange for any other reason)Overall this is another example of good modern writing, giving a personal perspective that is interesting and generally entertaining. The show has a nice raw quality that is worth something, it's just possible that the creator should have taken herself out of the equation and cast a more fitting lead. (I'm the same age as the lead and if I was casting a young single father I would go for someone 10 years younger than myself, this isn't about gender, it's about accuracy)

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    What the hell happened to American shows? they used to be soo good, now they are filled with this dirt crap? Its like every show they make are not for show but rather brainwashing with political agendas. Stop trying to tell the world this mental disability is normal.

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