Spun Out
Spun Out
| 06 March 2014 (USA)
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  • Season 2 : 2015 | 1 Episodes

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    n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.

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    Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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    Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.

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    Aiden Melton

    The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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    The best thing about this show is that it so incredibly terribly awful, that you know that the reviews on here where it has been rated highly must have been done by publicity people.In addition, the fact that it got nominated for some awards for the first season also tells you that the whole "award" thing in Canada is totally corrupt and it's just people glad-handing CTV.I watched one episode of the first season and thought it was appallingly bad (the one with Jason Priestly) and then given that it was renewed I thought it must have improved so I watched the second episode of the second season - no, it's even worse, if such a thing is possible.The only reason I give it two stars is because the wardrobe is better than average. So they look quite pretty. I find the show is best watched with the sound muted.

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    Chris Meader

    I tried really hard to like this movie and I really did want to be able to say that I liked it and that it is finally a good Canadian comedy series that is well made but I just can't do that because I would just be telling a lie.This show is such a huge mess it is ridiculous, and an unfunny mess to boot. I don't even know where to begin about it since everything is so wrong.The cast is the main thing, so many completely unfunny people telling jokes very poorly. The only recognizable one is Dave Foley (of Kids in the Hall fame) and he looks like he's probably embarrassed to be seen in this (and he should be). I hope he fires his agent and finds a new one that will get him in A Bug's Life 2.

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    Reminds me of a classic 80s-90s sitcom rather than the modern ones we have been getting out every week now. It's nice to go back in time for a while and remember shows like this. It works really well too and I hope it has a future. If you are a fan of classic 80s and 90s sitcoms (newsradio, cheers, less than perfect) you will probably like this..Each character seems well written and different and it works well for this show and each episode doesn't feel like its strung out or too short..So if your up for some classic sitcom then give this a try as I doubt you will be disappointed. If your looking for a laugh a minute type comedy then this probably isn't for you as this is a feel good comedy not a laugh a minute comedy.

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    Truth in Comedy

    Let's first talk about what they did right. At least it looks like an American sitcom as far as technical aspect go. This is actually important, the American sitcom is a proved business model so if you want success start by not trying to reinvent the wheel. When you use cheap sets and bad lighting, sound, shooting (i.e. Satisfaction) it lends itself to being very hackneyed. Where Spun Out fails is in the writing and acting. From what I was able to discern from watching three episodes is that the character Nelson Abrams is playing a gay man. In many respects, this is the most homophobic portrayal of a gay man on TV. My reasoning is the only thing that makes this character gay is he say's "I'm" gay. Either the actor refuses to do anything "gay" on TV or the writers have never actually met a gay man. One episode had his supposed significant other completely obscured by a massive completely unreasonably large Karaoke trophy. In this same episode this gay character is worried about a female co-worker spending too much time with his significant other. Worried the same way a guy would be worried if his gal was spending a lot of time with another man. I don't know if these guys know how it works, but gay guys don't worry if their boyfriend is hanging around chicks. I'm not the first to say this, but who the hell are the people green lighting comedies this year? Do they not realize that there are so many amazing comedy writers that are waiting to hitch a ride south of the border? Stand-up comics are not always good at writing and neither are people who have resumes that feature the number of TV commercials they've been in.

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