Stranger Things
Stranger Things
TV-MA | 15 July 2016 (USA)
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    Excellent adaptation.

    Keeley Coleman

    The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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    Kaelan Mccaffrey

    Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

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    Just everything is great and max is my favorite the second season is better in my opinion

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    Great BIG GIANT 10 out of 10. The entire YOUNG staff is full of YOUNG ACTORS. And ACTRESS that are NOT to Popular BUT NOT TO Popular AND that is Great for THIS SHOW. It has a Terrific CAST and Winona Ryder. That is Awesome CONGRATULATIONS for her because she was REALLY COOL in the 80s. Not so much in the 90s. SHE still was BUT more in the 80s. And this SHOW is BASED in the 80s when she was VERY Popular. SO I THINK that's why she just steals this show. The YOUNG ACTRESS that Playes 11 WOW Great to see more of her WORK. Anyways I could go on but even Seran Astin in Season 2 he did a Great Job.

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    In a word, this show is incredible. There's infinite amounts of character development, twists you never expect, and an incredible sci-fi thriller atmosphere beneath the idyllic air of the 1980's. This show is absolutely worth your time, and you'll be binge-watching it before you know it.

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    Leon Smoothy

    Let me just; this just blew me away!Had just read the Netflix short intro and thought "well, another one with some kid mysteriously disappearing...yawn"But then slow night when I couldn't sleep I gave it a shot, and I was soon sucked in to this weird story, and that it was actually about MK-ULTRA program in the 70-80's, and the acting from both the kids who are the centre protagonists and the adult actors is top notch. It's a complete flashback to the 80's, with all from music, cars and everything else. The main plot centres around a mysterious girl stumbling out of the woods in Indiana, dirty and with an abnormally short-shaved hair. She gets shelter at a family's home and it soon turns out she's seriously traumatized and some freaky mental powers not to be trifles with. Another small boy from the same town goes missing in the woods and cannot be found. Strangely acting people start turning up in the town under different disguises, asking questions, making seemingly ordinary electric installations around town. The search for the lost boy and who the girl really is falls upon a group of 3 young kids who makes stunning discoveries; something really dangerous lurks in the woods and the governement seems to be involved.It's well worth the high ratings here, can't wait for a third season. A really good Netflix experience!

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