The After
The After
| 06 February 2014 (USA)
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  • Season 1 : 2014 | 1 Episodes

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    Excellent, a Must See


    Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

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    Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies

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    One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.

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    This was one of the new series of Amazone i was really looking forward to. The pilot had a real mysterious feeling to it, the acting was so so. But i instantly had a connection with a few the wide selection of characters. When i found out the maker of x-files was behind this series i really wanted to see more. I recently found out the shows was Cancelled. With all the crap that is coming out it's a real shame this series had to bite the dust. If you ask me a real mistake from Amazone to not even give the show a change when it's so well received. Check out the pilot and see for your self who this series should be revived or maybe be picked up by a other studio.

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    Ever since Lost mindless and usually pointless riddles have become an accepted tool in story telling. Well, it is not a good tool. Particularly if it is used to make up for the fact that your narrative is boring and little. Here the author and director Chris Carter throws in all the proved elements of conventional TV shows in the pot and stirred well. Much helps much wise. It doesn't. It is also very bothersome that nothing is very realistic. Five people trapped in a garage and they cannot open a flimsy gate. Come on!Doors don't open because of power outage. But real life they are battery powered because power outages in fact happen even without supernatural intervention. And on goes the list. It is simply sloppily researched. In 'Halt and Catch Fire' one can see how proper recherché goes. Every detail has been taken the time to get right there. And a story CAN be fantastic and plausible at the same time. So what about the cast. Aldis Hodge, is trying his best to make his character a believable, realistic person. Unfortunately his role - at least in the first episode - seems to be the indoctrinator of political correctness. So the black guy has to be the only one with common sense and reminds us how flawed the legal system is. Well, it is, but what has that got to do with anything in this context. Why bring it up?External reasons I guess. Statements of political correctness generally do not improve a story if you just add them for wholesomeness. If I was black, I'd find it offensive, but what do I know about being black in the US. At least he is in my opinion the most realistic character in the show. That however is not owed to his ethnicity but his acting. Alas there is only so much you can do with such a script. Everybody else is basically free of personality and reduced to stereotypes. The french mommy (Louise Monot I think) is the worst. And too skinny. Why does the director try to bore us to death with yet another parent just trying to get home to her family. This has been done, the t-shirts have been made and yes, they are completely out of fashion for 5 years now.So here is what I predict. The storytelling will be very foreseeable because it is so heavy on the stereotypes. But in this kind of show there have to be surprising twists to keep an audience of lowered expectations from dying from boredom. How do you do that? Easy. By defying the rules of logic and the laws of physics. So it is going to be an even wackier narrative and over time it is going to be harder to believe. A little like in the X-Files only quicker and with a lesser cast. One can tell by the choice of cliffhanger how it is going to be from hereon out. But let's see how the next episode goes. There is no way but up.

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    Alright admitted it took awhile to start but the last 30 seconds adds a nice surprise and leaves room for a lot of growth. Hope this wasn't end. I liked the characters although I am undecided on the older ladies character seems to frail for the moves that are going to need to happen to move the story along. I also am trying to like the French woman but it really needs some work in development, you will lose people if you don't develop the characters back story. People are leery of this type of twisting turning show after getting burned by shows like Lost and Heroes where the show starts one way and completely loses its path at the end. Well scripted and letting the audience participate in the adventure will go along way in supporting the show.

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    The After is a lacklustre knock off of LOST with nowhere near the level of suspense or character development. It tries to go for the strange-factor in so many ways but comes off as if writer/creator Chris Carter (best known for the X-Files) simply saved up a bunch of weird ideas and decided to throw them together without tying a single one of them sensibly to a plot. As such, the concept comes off as if he's firing in all directions and not even sure what he's firing at.The first 15 minutes of the show are ridiculously boring. I have a hard time believing that nobody read the pilot script and after 10 pages didn't ask, "Is something going to happen?" Nothing on screen adds to the characters any way other than artificially and what little incidences that do occur are not enough to drive interest. For a show that clearly wants to be suspenseful, there is in fact no suspense.That being said, one does get the feeling somebody along the way realized this fact as the first 30 seconds is just a montage of weird images edited in such a way as to jar the audience at the start. But it comes off as completely contrived. And then the show goes downhill from there. It's just puzzling that the producers didn't take that as a hint in reading the first script.The most disappointing element is that most of the characters are either clichés or lame attempts at originality. The fish out of water protagonist who just wants to see her family, the wrongfully accused black man, the insecure female cop, the rogue hick, the wealthy old lady, the slick talking lawyer and his supermodel girlfriend, and... a clown? You cannot make this nonsense up.As for the meat of the script, the dialogue is boring and the plot turns are glacial at best, all leading up to a cliffhanger. Or at least attempting to lead up to a cliffhanger. The big conceptual reveal in the end only starts to develop 10 to 15 minutes before the credits. There's no real hint of it throughout the show which makes it seem as if either the ending concept was tacked on or everything before it was just throw together because Carter knew a 15 minute show wouldn't fly.But that isn't even my biggest complaint. Anybody who had a problem with the notorious underwear scene in Star Trek: Into Darkness is going to be rolling their eyes with this pilot. Carter has taken the cake on gratuitous and unnecessary use of a woman as eye candy. It's really sad and in fact quite hypocritical considering the protagonist (who is an actor) in the start of the show gets her nose bent out of shape at a script read-thru that depicts a woman as a sex toy. It's like Carter was making a statement against such sexism in film and television only to employ it ten times worse himself.It is disheartening that Chris Carter after all this time can't come up with another decent concept. The X-Files and Millennium were way ahead of their time in their initial run. Harsh Realm was a laudable attempt. But ever since -- whether it be the Lone Gunmen or the second X- Files film -- Carter seems to have given up on perfecting his work before putting it out there. The After is nothing more than another misguided attempt that should have been either work-shopped further or rejected.I honestly have to wonder who at Amazon green-lit this series. As a writer who has read other original series concepts, it blows my mind that drivel like this gets a go-ahead while other, more original and interesting series ideas are left gathering dust.

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