The Bachelor
The Bachelor
TV-14 | 25 March 2002 (USA)

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    This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place

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    In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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    Erica Derrick

    By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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    Married Baby

    Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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    So disappointed, every season the crazy one, or the rude over aggressive on stays! First impression rose to the one that is being most aggressive, it really makes you wonder if it really is reality TV? I think it is a rating grab and the viewers are catching on!

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    So there I am, fragging on a game server for a game that's nearly as old as this show. In computer years the game I'm playing, even though it's given a graphics upgrade, is ancient, and I'm wishing Electronic Arts hadn't pulled the plug on Battlefield 2142.So what does this have to do with an absolute trash show about vapid females competing for wealthy moderately handsome males.Absolutely nothing.I had the TV on in the background and was too lazy to put it on something I liked. And I'd heard a lot about this show, so I let it run. And my god, how on Earth does this junk get shot and aired?I had a friend. A female. She was in my martial arts class. And she made one observation as a female observing other females. This is her statement, not mine. And she said; "Girls are stupid!" I thought that was pretty cruel, but after tonight, the day after Superbowl 50, seeing this, and the "How to be Single" promo of the "fat girl" making fun of the show in which that commercial was airing, it's hard to argue with my friend (she got married a couple years later).But she went on to say how some girls, not women, will believe anything, and how some really are vapid when it comes to "relationships" or "dating" and related issues.Again, being raised on egalitarian values in a household that was very forward thinking, I thought this was exceptionally condescending, and false. I mean the sexes are supposed to be on par with one another in terms of smarts. Right?Again, after crap like "Dancing with the Stars" or "Survivor", and now having been exposed to this junk, I'm reconsidering my parents' socially forward ideals when it comes to the differences and similarities between the sexes. Ladies, if you REALLY WANT A MAN, there's is someone out there. He may be an ex con, a pervert, both, homeless, fat, bald, big nosed, unemployed, on food-stamps, part of some biker gang, drug cartel, still in college, living with his folks, but he is out there. If you feel the need to satisfy some romantic fantasy by vicariously living it out through this TV program, then perhaps you need to start cracking the books and read up on microbiology or high energy physics, and stop thinking about how that dress makes your fat thighs look like tree trunks.Seriously, I can't imagine anyone taking this show seriously on any level, unless you were a spoiled young female who never had to work a day in your life, and were cruising on your beauty as opposed to trying to compliment it with education as you probably should have been doing all along.Okay. I saw this pile of bio-excrement. Time to go back to that game server, and hope my senses and sensory organs are never polluted by trash of this caliber ever again.

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    This show, and its a/b alternative "The Bachelorette", are easily the most pathetic, eyeroll-inducing, "reality" shows of them all. I can't fathom any good reason for wasting an hour of my life watching them, never mind a whole season. CBS should be ashamed of itself for promoting the "dashing prince/beautiful princess" fantasy. It's 2014, for Christ's sake. This isn't how solid relationships are built.The worst part is where they're interviewing the "star" in one of those moments where they're "baring their soul" accompanied by thoughtful music. You run away from people in your circle who tell you everything they're thinking, every time they're thinking it--here it's seen as deep. Blech. Even Jack Handey wasn't this emetic on SNL.Much is made in the fan mags about the couples resulting from this show. What they SHOULD do is a "where are they now" on the people who AREN'T picked and what work they're getting in Hollywood as a result of being seen on "The Bachelor" or "The Bachelorette", since that seems to be the real reason anyone puts up with this nonsense. I have nothing but contempt for the people who put this drivel on the air--in fact, I've wasted too much time writing this review.

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    My friendette *forced* me, so to speak, to look at this.3 notes: (1) The Guinness Book of World Records: Most Utterances Of The Word *Amazing*, leaving me to wonder if all the contestants purchased their college degrees.(2) My eyes whited-over. Then I saw a blurb on the net listing this show as a favorite for Republicans, then it tied together. Since I don't live in a society where anglo-Caucasian-masses huddle together frightfully, I therefore can't feel much of a connection to this show's world.(3) Actor-wannabes pose falsely: All the contestants here are simply looking for another gig: a soap, a movie, anything. And the producers make the most odd choices, as in the upcoming depressed wineguy (please wash hair). Whichever lady *wins* will at least be able to drown the consequences of her mistake by heading downstairs to the cellar with those big casks etc.This is the first time I have looked at ABC since the cancellation years ago of the brilliant Cupid. Good-bye again, ABC.

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