The Case of: JonBenét Ramsey
The Case of: JonBenét Ramsey
| 18 September 2016 (USA)

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Sadly Over-hyped


Good concept, poorly executed.


Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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I didn't really know who JonBenet Ramsey was before watching this, even though it seemingly was a pretty high profile case back in the days.Anyway she was a child beauty pageant who got killed at the age of 6 and no one was ever found guilty of the crime.And this documentary re-examines the case in every detail, it's more or less like getting up and close into a crime investigation but the investigators here seem to be doing a lot better than the ones who were assigned to the case originally.And in the end to me, it seems as though they pretty much solve the case (although one can't be 100% for sure of course, and documentaries tend to leave out details that doesn't co-sign with the theory they are projecting to us viewers even though I don't think that is the case here).Even though there is very little to complain about at times I found myself a little exhausted, perhaps it would have been better split up into 4 parts instead of just 2.The information we get is good and all but it gets a bit stilted at times with information upon information all very formal and of course the fact that none of the Ramsey's are willing to be interviewed doesn't help.But that said it's definitely not bad, and if you have a interest in the case then it's something well worth seeing for sure, or criminology in general.

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This special was based on a rather exciting premise: what if a group of world-renowned experts came together to re-examine one of America's most famous unsolved cases? That question will have to remain unanswered. Instead we see what would happen if a group of world-renowned experts attempt to shamelessly cash in on the anniversary of one of America's most famous unsolved cases.Without going into too much detail (to avoid spoilers), the group gets up to all sorts of ridiculous shenanigans over the course of their "investigation." Almost every aspect of the investigation suffers from serious flaws.Interviews were mostly with people who had obvious agendas/ulterior motives for conducting an interview and the questions asked by the interviewers were both loaded and leading. Even worse, obvious questions go unasked.There is more pseudoscience than actual science during the special; some of the "experiments" would be right at home in an episode of Ghost Hunters (911 call meets "EVP"). What little real science there is often is performed in a misleading, erroneous, or irrelevant manner (i.e. major methodological flaws in the DNA, flashlight, and stun gun "tests," among others). Sharp-eyed viewers will notice that at least one of the flashlight tests was repeated until they got the results they wanted.In terms of examining the evidence, some evidence is twisted/edited, some hand-waved away, and other parts ignored completely simply because they can't make it fit while other pieces are given inflated importance because it plays better with their theory.The total incompetence of the Boulder police force on the case is mentioned, but glossed over, while simultaneously giving air time to some improbable conspiracy theories that aren't given even the most cursory examination for plausibility.In many of the conversation sequences the group arrives at conclusions that make no logical sense or ask questions in a tone implying they feel it's a "gotcha!" question when in fact I could come up with a half-dozen plausible explanations off the top of my head to explain away the alleged "inconsistency." Roughly half of these sessions are devoted to discussing how they feel a person should have looked/felt/reacted in any given situation. Sorry, but psychology isn't so predictable as to fit into the neat little boxes provided.The series ends with a blatant play at emotions that is as offensive as it is misguided, leaving the viewer with no doubts that there is no low the group will not stoop to.Overall, the mini-series gives an impression of a group of people straining very hard to make the evidence fit their preconceived theories on the case. I was expecting a hard-hitting look at all the evidence and instead got an obvious cash grab by way of a self-serving law enforcement puff piece. I was seriously disappointed. Do yourself a favor and watch "JonBenet: An American Murder Mystery" instead. It, too, is far from perfect, but it at least gives an honest effort to make an impartial investigation.

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The Case of: JonBenét Ramsey (2016)*** 1/2 (out of 4)This television special was shown over a two night period and it's build-up was that the infamous murder of JonBenet Ramsey would be solved twenty-years after it happened.THE CASE OF: JONBENET RAMSEY is certainly an entertaining special as we get all sorts of experts coming together to take a fresh look at the evidence and try to piece together what happened. We also get a few new interviews including the 911 dispatcher as well as a friend of the Ramsey's.This series is certainly worth watching but at the same time I wouldn't get too worked up by the hype. After the success of the Steve Avery Netflix special and the various O.J. Simpson specials it was clear CBS was trying to hit the iron while it was still hot. For the most part they have delivered an entertaining series but at the same time I wouldn't say this is the definitive word on the subject and especially since a lot of the original evidence wasn't examined.The series is also quite obvious in how they come up with the guilty party. I won't ruin the outcome but it'll be interesting to see how any future lawsuits work out.

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