The Collection
The Collection
TV-MA | 02 September 2016 (USA)
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  • 1
  • Season 1 : 2016 | 8 Episodes

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    Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.


    Absolutely the worst movie.


    Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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    Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.

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    I don't even watch television, if my husband didn't I wouldn't even own a t.v.. But, out of boredom I clicked on this and had the entire series watched from start to finish, only taking a few hours to sleep but it was not a sound sleep because I couldn't wait to get back on my tablet to finish it! I didn't pay attention to the fact there was only 1 season though, and I'm beside myself wondering if there will be a season 2!!!! Please, let there be more!!!

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    I originally didn't intend to watch "The Collection" For no particular reason, then I brought up the program listings guide on Sunday afternoon, and clicked on the local Los Angeles PBS station. I saw episode 2 was scheduled to be televised that night, And decided to set the DVR... And go back to watch the first episode online, which I have done to my great delight. The writing is outstanding, and character development so well done, that you can't ask more from a series (Masterpiece) I've watched on PBS, Over the years...with a reputation nothing less than par-excellence, going all the way back to when it was still hosted by Alastair Cooke and known as "Masterpiece Theater", With its beautiful weekly presentment...brought to life by its Renaissance style theme music, Which I, along with millions of others Who followed the program regularly, I'm sure, must have truly loved hearing that theme music played...every time It came on.This series (the Collection), All about the post-WWII times in France, trying to regain Its stature, By the use of high Couture fashion, out of Paris, To gain respectability... after The Vichy government allowed the Nazis to walk in, uncontested, And take over The country... while the collaboration of the French government, didn't put up a fight, To the dismay of many of its citizens. Those who didn't have enough bread to eat after the war ended... And many of the French bakeries who were forced to close several days per week, until they could get enough supplies to even feed their citizens again, were probably part of the original resistance, and never forgave the government, especially those in higher-up positions of authority, who got everything they wanted or needed, unlike the majority of their citizenry. Excellent juxtaposition Of real life history, With character development to represent all the facets of life, from the highest to the lowest classes.If you in anyway feel uncomfortable with the representation of a gay character, brought to life  on the screen, completely, in all aspects... You may feel threatened by this series, Or at least certain parts of this episode, in particular.It's not just about the fashion industry trying to regain its identity and getting a foothold within The French culture, It's about the peoples' identity trying to regain who they are as a people, and a culture... While trying to overcome the high price they paid for their Government "selling out"... thinking they had overcome the worst obstacles, once the war had come to an end. Only to find that the struggle for self-identity was even harder than they may have thought.I eagerly await The chance To view episode 2  from the DVR, that I hadn't planned to record, And now wholeheartedly, am glad that I did!

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    Almost didn't finish the first episode as it is quite slow. But I'm glad I gave it a chance. It got better and better. Couldn't stop. Love the way it was filmed. At any second, you can do a screenshot and it will be a perfectly composed picture with distinguish and eloquent style. Skillful acting, too.

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    I cannot tell you how many times I have watched episode 3. The chemistry between Nina and Claude and Nina's love for her mom and Monsiour - captivating. I love all the characters - the wife, the mother (Claude and Monsiour's mother), Claude, Nina; her mother, the darling Black girl and her giftedness and character - she is radiant. This film has it all. It is beautiful!I also loved the lady who supported Nina when she was presented coming down the stairs - she was a jewel!Don't know if this makes any sense to you - but I have been enthralled with the beauty and quality of this fine film for months - I can only say, thank you!

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