The Hunger
The Hunger
| 20 July 1997 (USA)
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  • Season 2 : 1999 | 22 Episodes

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    SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?

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    Great visuals, story delivers no surprises


    This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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    Jenni Devyn

    Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.


    This is a Canadian/British anthology series of erotic tales about every conceivable hunger. Terence Stamp hosts the first season and David Bowie does the second.I only have the first season although the Jennifer Beals episode from the second season is on the web. Stamp really camps it up. There is a bit of fun from that. There is an inverse relationship between the requirement for nudity and the ability of the actresses. The series starts off well with a memorable sword lady. The second episode has Lena Headey and Daniel Craig filming in Britain. After that, the show declines with a few exceptions. Often, it is the non-acting B-actresses who are willing to strip. The stories lack a certain drive. This is a cheaper series of the late 90s cable softcore era.

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    I have just discovered this anthology TV series. It's sort of like Masters of Horror (well it's an anthology series with different stories in each episode, but besides that they are not really that similar). I prefer this much more than I did Masters of Horror b/c it doesn't rely on gore to tell the story. Don't get me wrong I enjoy gore every now and then, but I felt MOH relied a little too much on it. Plus these stories are well thought out and I haven't found one yet that has been just flat out boring. I'm only half way through the first season and so far the stories that have stood out to me were The Swords, The Secret Shih-Tan, Bridal Suit, and the Sloan Men. A lot of these were short stories by really great British authors such as Graham Masterson and a few of the stories may of been from Canadian authors(not sure). Watching these even led me to look up some of the stories online and I found a great little book series of short stories called Hot Blood. I will say that I really enjoy reading Graham Masterson's short stories and I really wish they would of done episodes based on Changeling and Sex Object (although I guess that one would of been hard to duplicate onto the TV screen). I must say I love horror anthologies and this has truly been a hidden gem that I've discovered. Too bad that it didn't get much critical acclaim in the USA b/c I feel it could of been a huge hit with advertising. Possibly the next Twilight Zone or Outer Limits with a touch of horror and erotica. I love this and wish they'd make another horror/erotica anthology based off the Hot Blood series. There are some wonderful stories in those books. It's sad that we no longer have an anthology series airing on TV since they discontinued Fear Itself (which was okay, but it should never have been on regular TV programming it should of been on HBO, Showtime, Cinemax etc. that way it didn't have to be so dulled down). I just hope we don't have to wait too long until someone makes another anthology series, I don't even mind if it is more sci-fi like Twilight Zone or Outer Limits as long as we get a new one. I like having new twisted little stories every week, however I guess when I finish this series that I will have to rely on books to get my fix. Another thing I have learned is that the British have a lot to offer whether it be their novels/books/short stories or their TV shows. I had already fallen in love with The Secret Diary of a Call Girl and now I have discovered The Hunger and all these great authors. I just wish they'd bring more of this to the USA, I mean they get to see a lot more of our (the USA) media than we do theirs (British).

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    Edel Stranger

    Serial ' Hunger ' have created on motives of the film of Toni and Ridley Skott with the same name. This surprising, bewitching narration about love and sex, treachery and death, secret passions and the deep feelings destroying a body and a soul. The new fascinating anthology of all forbidden and strange is removed on motives of the selected products of the best writers of the past and the present - Edgara Alan Po, Robert Bloha, Bryan Lamli and the founder ' Rambo' David Morrela.This serial the best in the genre. Looked all series of two seasons and could not admire with TALENTED directors, actors, the scenario. It is excellent also soundtrack, sounding in the end of each series! I even have created a site about a film and a serial "Hunger"! This site in Russian (and partially th English) language, but you may be to look a photo from a serial and a film under On page (GALLERY) Фотогалерея: The The site address: Come on a page! Best Regards, Igor

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    This horror/SF/fantasy/soft-porn series, produced by Ridley and Tony Scott, is a kind of Twilight Zone for adults. There were two seasons on Showtime, the first with Terence Stamp as the host, the second with David Bowie.This show does emphasize style over substance and as with any anthology series there are a few clunkers in the bunch. Overall, the segments with the hosts (both Stamp and Bowie are superb) are reliably fascinating, at least visually. The stories vary from excellent to perplexing. As the series progresses the material becomes stronger and is frequently worthy of comparison to the revivals of Outer Limits and Twilight Zone, although there is more emphasis on horror......and there's plenty of rough-and-ready sex, which will be off-putting to some viewers. There are a few episodes in which the obligatory sex scene seems tacked on, but most of the time the sex has something to do with the story and is not gratuitous.There are 11 DVDs with four episodes apiece, containing all 44 episodes. These discs are hard to find; I have never seen them for retail sale except on Amazon, although my local Hollywood video had some of the discs for rent. The first disc is so under-produced it doesn't even have a menu! I highly recommend tracking these down if you can. Even if you don't like the story, the host sequence is worth the price of admission... and the theme song is dynamite. I only wish I could find a soundtrack CD; I doubt that one exists for a series this obscure.The Region 2 release features two season boxes, available on Amazon UK. If you're in Region 2 or have a Region 2 player, this is obviously the way to collect the series.

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