The Mindy Project
The Mindy Project
TV-PG | 25 September 2012 (USA)

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  • Season 6 : 2017 | 10 Episodes

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    This is How Movies Should Be Made


    Great visuals, story delivers no surprises


    It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.

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    The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.

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    I find the mindy project to be one of the funniest shows I have ever watched and I watch many many shows. I find it to be glamorous like sex and the city but mindy kaling is soo soo soooooooooo funny. She really does address a woman's dating life but she pokes fun at herself through the whole show. She talks about her culture and her body in the funniest way and yet she is sexy flirty fun and has a colorful style !!! She is a successful Doctor going through all the dating stuff as women do but it's the funniest. The characters including all the staff at her doctors office are also extremely funny and played so well. Danny is awesome! This show puts a smile on my face and makes me burst out laughing. I truly hope it never gets cancelled cuz I look forward to it daily!!!!!! We needed a show like this that combines culture the dating world and real issues women deal with with the funniest twist ever!!

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    The 3 is only because I loved the first two seasons. It was funny and light with the right amount of sass. Enter Danny as boyfriend which I admit was initially exciting because it took so long for him to figure it out. Unfortunately I almost hate it now due specifically to Danny. He is a selfish, boorish, misogynistic a-hole and I have a hard time watching Mindy acquiesce to him time and time again. I actually feel anger toward his character and I feel like the show condones this behaviour towards women. It's pretty much unwatchable now unless they totally break up and he leaves the show. I also wish the show hadn't saddled her with a child, but here we are.

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    Here is the plot: Mindy is a obstetric doctor trying to manage her personal and professional life, she has a very strong personality (which makes her funny and totally relatable).Usually I don't like this kind of series but this one has some quirky/unique/funny little details that drive me crazy. The series builds herself around unique stories. It seems fresh, with lots of new innovative jokes and good characters.I have to admit that I love Mindy Kailing, she's one of the funniest women in the business. She was awesome in The Office (US) and she's being awesome acting, writing and directing this show. I've been saying for years that romantic comedies don't need necessarily to be bad, this show proves this genre can be good when is well made (like action/sci- fi/…). Also, Mindy Kailling said something that I always thought through my entire life: there's no need to keep breaking up couples we know will get together at the end. Being in a relationship can still be funny and interesting. Life doesn't get boring when that happens so follow this advice: people are tired of couples breaking up in TV shows just because (or to turn the show "interesting").Just try and watch it!For more reviews check :)

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    My initial thought was, "Wow, this girl gets her own show?" Her shrill little voice and her crazy remarks drove me crazy in The Office, but it wasn't like I completely hated her.I gave the show a shot and what do you know! I'm hooked! She is an OBGYN taking life by the hand and dating it. She dates all of these guys, constantly pokes fun at herself, and sheds light on what it feels like to be a minority. Her love life always seems to have these little kinks to them and her attempts to make the best of them are hilarious. Her coworkers complement her persona in the show which makes it (currently) my all time favorite.Watch it and see what I'm talking about!

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