The Pitts
The Pitts
TV-PG | 30 March 2003 (USA)
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  • Season 1 : 2003 | 7 Episodes

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    Who payed the critics


    This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.

    Abegail Noëlle

    While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.

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    Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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    The show was definitely not 10 star material, but it helped me get to sleep. I have to admit I had high hopes for the show, and when it finally aired I was like "they are trying too hard to get a laugh." Speaking of which, that laugh box they used for the show didn't help either. I like the fact that they was trying to go for a live action animated show kind of feel. Most live action shows only get weired when there is a special event such as Halloween or Christmas. The out in left field, kind of plot thats the main reason why I gave the show the time of day. I even have all of what they aired on television, and once in a while I'll pop in the tape and drift off, I do the same for "all" the B-grade movies I have. Over all though its definitely a good show to look back on, in a couple of years.

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    If your ever having a sleepless night, watch out for this very strange little sitcom on ITV. I'm not saying it's any good, just watch out for it. I was half asleep the first time I saw The Pitts and I genuinely thought I'd dreamt it. If David Lynch ever goes on to make a sitcom, it'll probably look like this. The Pitts are an impossibly bland family with impossibly bad luck, mostly in situations revolving around demonic possession, serial killers, werewolves and a mildly horrific episode where the eldest daughter has a pipe driven through her skull. It features lame sign-posted jokes, some of which are so unfunny they defy comprehension, and are accompanied by gales of canned laughter. Bob and Liz, the parents, make mailboxes for a living. She is a skeletal, perma-grinning Stepford Wife (who is apparently now dead) and he is the paedophile from Happiness. It looks like it cost about a tenner to make and is so bland and generic yet creepy and disturbing that it could not more closely resemble a nightmare. Even the sheer cheapness of the thing defies description; the acting, writing and direction are absolutely awful! You can see why I thought I'd dreamt it. How could a show as bad as this possibly get made?! The Pitts is quite simply this generation's Plan 9 From Outer Space. Cultdom must surely beckon...

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    It's nice to see humour that isn't just off the is all over the place. I just love this show, and it's sad peple don't apreciate it. The concept is funny...where a family with luck worse then the unluckiest person. Is it far-fetched? dang skippy it is...that's the point. where normal things never happen, and the outlandish do...a show where something remote is also very likely. I also like the obvious gags and being possessed, terrorized by a obsessed girfriend/date. This is a gem, and despite the obvious cornyness, it's very clever and layed out. It will probily get canceled, cause people just don't get it...that's why we loose great shows like Family Guy....and keep bore fests like King of the Hill. The Pitts show...if something is to matter how will happen. I give this a 8.5 outta 10.

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    I watched one episode and was completely turned off.Awful writing, terrible acting, lame jokes, more canned laughter than an episode of Scooby Doo... and I could go on.But I won't. I would recommend that people avoid this show for the three weeks it is on the air.

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