The Six Wives of Henry VIII
The Six Wives of Henry VIII
TV-PG | 01 January 1970 (USA)

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  • Season 1 : 1970 | 6 Episodes

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    A Brilliant Conflict


    a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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    A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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    Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

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    (To avoid to be on your Black list, I marked this message, with a warning "Contains spoiler" but please decide yourselves! Thank you very much!) Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to, kindly, advise you, that my Dear Ancestry Grandmother the German Princess and English Queen Anne of Cleves, with my Ancestry Grandfather the English Monarch King Henry VIII have had together two Royal Children. Their first-born Royal Child was their little Princess, born, in Sept/October 1540, which, then, became, my next Ancestry Grandmother, and their second Royal Child was the "Faire Boye", born, in January 1542, when this Truth, about these their concealed Royal Children, have been exposed, by the servants, which loved their English Queen Anne of Cleves, very much, and wanted her, to live, also, officially, with her Royal Husband, and not just secretly. But however, in this moment, when this have been revealed, our Dear Ancestry Grandmother the English Queen Ann of Cleves, according which, all things and all beings, in this world, which were and which are CLEVER, have been named, have immediately lost both of her Royal Children, at ones, as they had to be, immediately, sent, secretly, to exile, on to the Slovak Territory, of the Holly Roman Empire, where they, then had to live, without Mother and Father, in poverty and need and discriminations, and where all their Royal Descendants lives, this way, even, until today! Dear Friends, I would like to ask you, very much, please, be so kind, and do not talk, anymore, about our Dear Ancestry Grandmother the German Princess and English Queen Anne of Cleves, such disgracing her, and also us, all her English Royal Descendants, totally untrue things. She is my maternal strait line Ancestry Grandmother, through her first-born Royal Daughter, fathered by my Ancestry Grandfather the English Monarch King Henry VIII, and born in Sept/Oct 1542, and she was the most beautiful and the most decent, merciful, kind, and the most humble Queen, this entire World ever had! And this, I know absolutely exactly! Because exactly the same human character and beautiful look, have and had, also, all her Royal Descendants, - also my dear Mom, my dear Grandmother, and all the Ladies and Girls, in our Family, which are the Royal Descendants from this English Royal Family Tudor-Cleves. Please, be so kind, and just, read very carefully, and cautiously, everything about her, and do not believe any illogical statements, about her. Please, just, Open your Eyes and see, that she was a very beautiful Lady. Holbein did not lie, he was a GENUINE ARTIST! And nothing was "flattered", nothing was "old fashion", she just did something, what no one, in this world, ever, did, and this has caused, then, just, quite logically, this "strange/loving" behavior of my Ancestry Grandfather the King Henry VIII, towards her. But all this illogical, disgracing her, slanderous words, against her, dishonoring her and putting her down, were just made up, by her enemies, wanting to get, instead of her, and instead of her Royal Children, fathered by my Ancestry Grandfather the English Monarch King Henry VIII, and instead of their Royal Descendants, on to the English Throne! But our Grandfather the King Henry VIII loved her very, very much!!! Just look, what he gave her, and how he treated her! Always the best, as he could! He made her the most richest Lady, in England! But on the other hand, also, he wanted to protecting, her, and also his Dearest and most Precious Beautiful Royal Children, with her, so he did, what he did, as otherwise, no one from us, would be here, today! His first three Children, living in gold and silver, died, without even, being able, having their own children! Is this not strange, enough? And the Royal Descendants, from his both Royal Children, with his Royal Wife and our Ancestry Grandmother the German Princess and English Queen Anne of Cleves, even, despite of the poverty, need, discriminations and terribly hard life, in Exile, they, still, live in Slovakia, even, until today! And what their enemies did to me, personally, also, and this, absolutely innocently, you can read on:". Thank you very much and Best Regards to all! Prince of England and Ireland from Tudor-Cleves Ludovit Bialon.

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    This is a set I'd love to own. The costumes are great, and acting is even greater, especially Keith Michel. He brings real depth to Henry and we see him as the interesting, complex man that he was, not just the selfish, bloated glutton of his later years. The court intrigue and politics, and also the costumes are expertly presented and you get a real feel for the times. The only flaw was that the actresses were generally too old for the parts they played, but there aren't many young actresses of this caliber, so one has to suspend disbelief and just enjoy the show. If I had to choose the best performance of the wives, I'd choose Annette Crosbie as Catherine of Aragon.

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    I don't have enough time now to write a worthy review of this, but maybe that's a mercy! A tour de force performance from Keith Michel as he portrays Henry from his youth to his death, through all of his transformations and wives. Each actor/actress brings another wonderful dimension to this timeless production.STRONGLY recommended -- AND available on DVD!!! If you don't want to spend the $70+, suggest it to your local library. You won't be sorry! If you like this movie, see also, "Edward the King" -- Those fed up with TV today will see TV as it should be!!

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    Wow, i'm a huge Henry VIII/Tudor era fan and, well, this was .... interesting. The only one I watched was the Catherine of Aragon one. And wow...just wow. I've seen bad acting before, but this reached new heights. When the actress who played Catherine was umm.. crying? she wails and screams and i have to admit i rewinded many times... many, many times .... funny, funny stuff. The only person who even showed any slight sliver of talent was the actress playing Anne Boleyn (i might be prejudiced though, i do have a slight obsession with Anne Boleyn, she was a really facinating woman, read up on her, it's worth it!) Also, i have read a lot about the Tudor time period and i think that the characters weren't very acurately displayed, they were all very stereotypical. Only see this movie if you are prepared to see a very important time period, and the important lives of those involved turned into a laughing stock.

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