The Surreal Life
The Surreal Life
| 09 January 2003 (USA)

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  • Season 6 : 2006 | 9 Episodes

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    A Major Disappointment


    It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

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    Keeley Coleman

    The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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    Cissy Évelyne

    It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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    I've seen little bits and pieces of the first season,all of the second season,and I have to say the third season is so far the best. Not only because Flavor Flav from Public Enemy and funny man Dave Coulier is in it. The third season is just more interesting and suspenseful. Unlike the second season which was a little dry at times but they all seem to get along and tolerate one another. The third season cast is more detached and self-centered. The only ones I 've seen to be more realistic is Dave and Flavor. Flavor's enthusiasm give this show life and without him this cast would appear to keep to themselves. Let's start off with Charo she may mean well but she is selfish,at the beginning of the show she down right takes charge of who should sleep where. She (Charo) been in America for a long time and you still can't understand what's she's saying. Right away she's giving orders around the house and naming the dog she found "Cuchi" which none of the others agree with. Brigitte Nelson is another selfish one who loves to lead men on (namely Flav) and then drop them like they never existed. Ryan Star who is young and bitter probably because she didn't get her career kicked off the way she wanted "thanks American Idol." Ryan is another one who is too particular and do not know to adapt and have fun. Poor Jordan Knight is too self-indulged to be interesting. I hope in the next couple of episodes this cast will stick together and bring more harmony to one another instead of worry about personality conflicts.

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    This was a pretty funny show. Some of the highlights include the "celebrities" going door-to-door in the neighborhood to introduce themselves, a trip to the grocery store (how surreal would it be to see them shopping together in your neighborhood Safeway? lol) and end-all-be-all of highlights, Corey Feldman discovering Vince Neil had slept with his ex-wife, Vanessa Marcel. Priceless.

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    After watching the first three episodes of this funny, (yes actually it is pretty funny!) new WB show, I understand while Corey Feldman is no longer working in Hollywood. The plot, is pretty simple, there are seven celebrities (and I use the term "celebrities" loosely) living in a nice house somewhere in Hollywood. That's it, there is no plot, there is no elimination, or charity, or anything else. You just watch and see what stupid thing the producer's have them do next. The highlight of the show thus far, is Feldman's constant, almost maternal need for attention. Everything seems to have to focus around him, his girlfriend, his ex-girlfriends, and his new album (God help us all). While most of the others (Rocker Vince Neil, ex-playmate Brandi Rodderick, Emmanual Lewis (Webster from tv), the classic M.C Hammer) seem to take the show for what it is, a paid vacation, and a chance to have some fun. However, Feldman, along with Gabrielle Carteris, and that annoying chick from Surrvivor think that it's actually going to help jumpstart or re-start their careers. It's funny at times, but sad as well, as most of these people have had their "fifteen minutes" and they ain't gettin' them back. If you want a little nostalgia from the 80's and early 90's, and a chance to see just how far some superstars have fallen, give "Surreal Life" a chance. But you'd better hurry, because it's on the WB, so it probably won't last long. Hey, here's an idea for a sequel. Vanilla Ice, Screech (from saved by the bell) Jimmy Walker, and Elizabeth Berkley...

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    It's funny to watch D-list celebrities live in a house together. Gives my life purpose. It was really funny watching MC hammer and all the crappy celebrities. This ranks right with Celebrity Boxing and the Celebrity Mole. I wonder what other punish tv has in store for our has-been elite.

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