The Wil Wheaton Project
The Wil Wheaton Project
| 27 May 2014 (USA)
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  • 1
  • Season 1 : 2014 | 12 Episodes

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    I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.

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    Boring, long, and too preachy.

    Brennan Camacho

    Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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    .Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

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    Goodtime nerdy humor. Fun references, clips and skits for geeky comic book, sci-fi types. Set in the quick paced venue of former entertainment show "The Soup" never drones on and moves into new material quickly. Its witty and sometimes campy so its not for everyone. Will is a surprisingly good host with a jovial sense of humor. I love the recurring angry Skeletor Twitter segments. There is continually lambasting of deserving Scy-Fy Channel fodder and shameless plugging of guests and advertisers. Giggle along if you have on-demand cable features you may still be able to pick up a couple episodes. I definitely hope they have a season 2!

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    Note...I am: not a full geek or nerd; over 60+ years; not his mother. That said...I follow Wil Wheaton because I find his attitude refreshing. Thus, I watch his new show with high expectations. To date he has met and exceeded my high expectations. His timing is spot on. Innuendos, facial expressions...all a pleasant surprise Wheaton is that good. The fact that he does it with such ease is amazing. Granted, I do have issues with the gory stuff, sex, and graphic-I-cringe curse words, (in context as they may be). Its not my generation. Old hippie here. There are things that I feel are excessively gross. Again, Not my generation. In context, there are very popular televisions shows with as much if not more gore and sex than what's on the "Wil Wheaton Project." I don't watch them, but I watch Wheaton.I set my alarm so when I doze off, I can wake up to watch his show. I don't do that for any show except for "Extant" the other night. If You want a look at a part of this Earth's culture, then "The Wil Wheaton Project" will give you a glimpse that will make you laugh, if your are conscious, as well as give you something(s) to think about. I say, Watch More Wheaton!

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    The Wil Wheaton Project is a series of short sketches and mock-ups of some of the most recent sci-fi oriented shows and some episodes have interviews that are enjoyable for a nerd. I think that the best trait of these TV show is that it has a lot of things going on and there are really short time wise so if you don't enjoy one, it'll be over soon, maybe the next one will be more to your liking.I really enjoy watching Wil Wheaton as a nowadays nerd adult. And I find him really funny. If his sense of humor isn't to your liking, don't watch the show it could be tiresome.If you don't know whether or not giving it a shot I will recommend doing a previous encounter with his sense of humor going into the TableTop Youtube show that he does every 2 weeks.I don't recommend watching this if you aren't up-to-date with Game Of Thrones because it's full of spoilers.

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    Joe Madden

    ::In my best Captain Picard Voice:: "Shut Up Wesley!" Why don't we have a Sheldon Cooper project? Is that too much to ask? I mean it's not that bad I guess.. there's other things you can be watching that are funnier tho.. like Big Bang Theory re-runs, Classic Star Trek episodes, Late Night TV Info-mercials, a blank screen... etc.I came. I saw. I Wheatoned.. and I fell asleep 20 minutes into the show.. but thankfully I could watch the rest of the episode on my PC.. which afterwords that hard disc space quickly became utilized for more important things like.. empty space. I guess I rated it a 5 because it is tolerable to watch.. as long as you are strapped in a chair with one of those medieval torture devices that are used to keep your eye-lids held open and big stocky medieval looking guys are threatening to pummel you with a mace or some type of incendiary device if you do not make it to the very end of the episode. "Shut Up Wesley!"

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