| 20 November 1999 (USA)
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  • Season 1 : 1999 | 2 Episodes

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    I love this movie so much


    Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.

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    Sarita Rafferty

    There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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    Aspen Orson

    There is definitely an excellent idea hidden in the background of the film. Unfortunately, it's difficult to find it.

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    Ricardo Ribeiro

    Well, before anything else, a disclaimer: I have no relationship whatsoever with any of the belligerents involved in the Bosnian War, and, if any, my sympathy goes to the Bosniak side. On the other hand I tend to see the Serbs as too often involved in conflicts, which is not a good sign of their nature as a whole.This said, I couldn't finish watching this movie. I really dislike when I feel my intelligence being assaulted by manipulative tricks of ordinary quality. I have no patience for war movies depicting one of the belligerents as the bad guys and the other as the good people. Geez no. I have enough of that coming from USA, another country continuously involved in wars in the name of everything. From Hollywood we have three favorite "victims": the Germans, if the subject is Second World War; the Russian are still paying the bill for the Cold War; and very popular since the Twin Towers event, the Muslims. Well, ironically the British approached the Bosnian Muslim in this movie as the good ones. The gentle, human people. The nice ones. As to the Serbs, a scum. Just look at the way the Serb militia is characterized: an enormous bad attitude, a look of pigs, people who don't have a shower or shave for centuries. That's how public opinion is molded, and I guess a cinematographer should know better. I refuse to take a shower of brain wash of this sort.

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    Isobel Swan

    'Warriors' (Bosnië 1992, a film by Peter Kosminsky). It is about man's inhumanity to man. Set during 1992 in the war in Bosnia and how the British Army were sent over to the war in the now former Yugoslavia as UN Peacekeepers. As UN Peacekeepers, the soldiers were not allowed to open fire unless their own lives were directly threatened. However this also meant that the soldiers were powerless to interfere in events even if it meant saving innocent lives. The film portrayed Serbian soldiers taking Bosnian Muslims (young and old) away and shooting them or burning them alive in their homes. There was one scene in which one of the soldiers, who was from Liverpool (played by Matthew Macfadyen) took a 14 year old boy into the back of an army truck in order for him to escape being executed by the Serbs. However, he was ordered to hand the boy over to the Serbs by his Commanders because moving a Bosnian from one area to another was regarded as 'ethnic cleansing' (ironic?) even though it was saving the boy's life. This film is about ethnic intolerance and hatred and the international communities' lack of an adequate response (until years later).

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    Warriors is an excellent film concerning what we in the west would call the early stages of the ethnic cleansing....hold on, this sounds far too nice a term to describe what went on, let's be more accurate - Genocide - in the former Yugoslavia.Specifically it deals with a British detachment of observers whose sole function seems to be to convince the British people that "things were being taken care of."In reality, the Serb army and particularly the Serb paramilitaries were stepping up their campaign of murder - regardless of gender or age - which was to continue for another few years. The British government knew about it, the American government knew about it as did others but nobody wished to become involved in something that quite definately would not be a quick or easy campaign, especially considering that the people being massacred had no oil reserves.And so the soldiers assigned to this pointless duty had no mandate to help those being murdered, and were left in a position of seeing the aftermath of men, women and children dead in the street or burnt to death in their homes, or simply gone. In some cases they knew who had done these things but could do nothing about it. After a while, they rotated home and - big suprise - could'nt forget the things they had seen.One wonders if NATO had had the collective balls to attack the Serbian military at the time, how many lives would have been spared? It's a start that Milosovic is in custody, but the others need to be caught and tried, Miladic and Karadzic for a start, but the many, many hundreds that participated in this horrific deliberate revolting genocide.It really sickens me to know that there will be those that escape retribution completely, as well as there are many Serbians who vehemently refuse to believe what happened.

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    This is an excellent film and is as realistic as described. I would suggest that Americans do what they can to get this brought to PBS in something like a "Masterpiece Theatre." At this point, the film is only being shown on BBC America, which has too small a viewer base to earn this film the acclaim it well deserves.

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