Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp
Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp
TV-MA | 31 July 2015 (USA)
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  • Season 1 : 2015 | 8 Episodes

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    Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .


    It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

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    Myron Clemons

    A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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    Yash Wade

    Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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    I have never seen anything like this before in my life. There aren't words bad enough to describe it. It's hard to have too much respect for the long list of talented actors in this..... whatever it is, after watching them in this.Apparently Netflix has decided that there really isn't any need to try and make a television series that's good when you can just make garbage and pay a lot of money to big name actors to be in it. With this cast how bad could it be, right? These actors must like money so much that they will do just about anything if you pay them enough.I wouldn't think this "series" was good if it was a first effort at film making by a student in high school. I can honestly say I will never watch a Netflix production again. They actually make the networks look like talented geniuses.

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    Another Netflix miss, and they are batting pretty low, except for Sense8, which won't fly for the audiences who like the others. Another reviewer asked people to compare Netflix series to shows like Breaking Bad, Mad Men, (the BBC original) House of Cards, and the other really amazing and groundbreaking series out there. This is the old if it worked once, it should work again, right? Even though the movie this is based on didn't work at the time, but now has a cult following (of whom? Oh, the Dumber and Dumber crowd!). It is odd that it didn't work, as those were the days of the aforementioned Dumber and Dumber and such fare, but even those were better, even with sex and sex organs as the main plot lines. This prequel to the movie (Prequel??? But the actors are the same as the 2001 movie, so older, making no sense, even for a cartoon, which, at its core, it is) misses on all counts...not funny in any way, not an escape, childish (but not funny). Bugs Bunny was funnier. It is an embarrassment and so over the top that it flops on the other side. Maybe if it were billed as sci-fi...as this is surely such a bad (and badly acted) alternative reality that it could not possibly be considered based on reality as we know it. Just horrid, I barely got through one episode, then went looking for the Mad Men stars, so scanned further along, but even they couldn't rise above the writing and seeing such fine actors make utter fools of themselves was no fun, either. I admit i don't like many series and not stupid comedy (but the ratings were good, so I gave it a shot and the Mad Men connection reeled me in), but if something is done well, I'm all in. Well, I'm all out on this one and it was no summer escape for me. I can't think of one thing in this series that was even OK, except maybe the DP knew how to point and shoot a camera. Even the music and clothes were misrepresented for the period. It would have worked better with a mid-70's period and a few leisure suits, which were as ridiculous as this is.

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    what a piece of garbage....with the talented cast I though this was going to be good....couldn't't make it through the third episode.....I can work with silly humor but this is unwatchable! I wonder why such talented people subjected themselves to this ..... normally Netflix originals are awesome...they laid an egg with this one when Mitch comes back from the dead as a can of peaches that was the end for me why are older people playing teenagers...makes no sense... maybe they should have made it like BMS sort of stupid but very watchable and extremely funny. am i missing something please tell me if there is some prerequisite one must watch in order to get this show...I will gladly give it another chance if that is the case.

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    No plot., just stupid human tricks. I created an account just to trash this. The cast line up read like who's who, but that is it's one claim to fame. The whole time watching the first episode, I kept thinking what I might be watching and enjoying instead. I love TV, I love movies, I watch up to 80 hours of all genres a week due to health reasons. However this one show will not be given a 2nd chance. Sorry! Maybe if they had made the characters a little more believable, so a person could pick a favorite and cheer on whatever their goal was for the summer. But the characters were so over the top unbelievable, that the whole show came Off as more as a bad high school play put on by drunk grown-ups who should be embarrassed by their actions. Just my humble opinion. Sorry,

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