TV-14 | 22 September 2011 (USA)

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  • Season 2 : 2012 | 16 Episodes

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    I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.

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    Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.

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    This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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    Joanna Mccarty

    Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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    Whitney was a good comedy series with a good cast and characters and enough funny scenes to make it a watchable series.There was certainly nothing fantastic about Whitney,and it definitely will be forgotten very shortly,but I watched every episode every week with my mother and we both really enjoyed.Whitney Cummings is a very funny and attractive actress and she definitely made this show what it is.It is over now after only two seasons,and it is probably better left at that ,because it certainly isn't as show like Friends of the Office,where the characters where string enough to make it go on for a long time.I liked Whitney,it was a enjoyable show while it lasted and is would recommend to people that aren't very fussy to check it out,you don't need to watch the episodes in order because they don't have any connection,also the second season is much better than the first.Revolves around the lives of Whitney (Whitney Cummings) and Alex (Chris D'Elia),a very much in love couple that aren't quite ready to make a commitment.

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    Whitney is a wonderfully entertaining show that introduces a new demographic and breaks stereotypes about women. The show deals well with relationship issues among friends and partners. The writing is quick, witty, socially aware, and the actors are really funny! Whitney's character depicts an up-and-coming photographer who struggles with her insecurities but does not see herself as socially awkward, if she does she doesn't care. In her early 30s, Whitney has survived her wild life, conquered drug abuse, and poverty, and now for the first time in her life it seems she no longer has relationship drama, but she's treading lightly just in case.In the moment, fully herself owning her past and living her life unapologetically, Whitney is open, receptive, sensitive, and thoughtful. She's a good person who attracted a wonderful group of supportive, wacky friends with their own life hangups. To the millions of adults that lived in foster care, orphanages, children shelters, group homes, crises houses, or cowered in their rooms awaiting for the next unknown harm, or who was left home alone with a key hidden to get in and a frozen dinner to look forward to, and TV for company, this audience will love Whitney. BRAVO.

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    To all the haters, maybe you just don't get it. Before this sitcom I had never heard of Whitney or Chris, but I find their chemistry undeniable, and the show fresh, entertaining, and believable with its subject matter. Whitney makes her character annoying yet lovable, and Chris makes his character believable as her big, goofy yet kind of a genius boyfriend. I like the supporting characters in the ensemble as well because each one is distinctively different yet equally quirky. The crush Mark has on Roxanne adds spice to the mix and Roxanne's periodic lean toward giving in to Mark provides a titillating sexual tension in the show to keep things interesting. Lily is like a beautiful exotic butterfly coming in and out of scenes so lightly yet leaving the scene with more color than before she entered. Whitney Cummings herself manages to deliver her comedic lines with just enough camp while letting the audience know she knows it is camp. I like that Whitney and her boyfriend Alex laugh at each other because they are funny people, and that just seems natural. I too find the constant audience laughter distracting, but at the same time, it is reminiscent of the early sitcoms like I Love Lucy, which challenges the actors to do it right the first time as in theater instead of shooting every scene over and over until it's perfect. So maybe Whitney is an acquired taste, like scotch. Oddly, at first I didn't think I would like it, but I found myself captivated by how many levels Whitney Cummings has as a comedic actress, and have found the sitcom to be high quality and unpredictable. That's entertainment.

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    I was not planning on bothering writing a review of this show, because I was almost certain it would be cancelled. Then I saw it on again...and I could not believe it. It is so mind numbingly terrible, every joke predictable, every character uninteresting, just so over done rom-com sarcastic, ironic wannabe crap...yuck! I was on vacation in Thailand when I first saw it and there was no other TV on a rainy day. I turned off the TV and stared at the wall instead. The wall was so much better. I cannot even stand to hear the commercials for this show...the stupid joke set ups and the long wait for the laugh..it stinks!The worst part about this show is all of the characters seem like they are pushing 40 but are trapped in mid twenties life dilemmas. They really try to hard to be hip, or cool, or whatever, but it just comes across as try hard desperation. The characters are actually characters you could really hate because they are so annoying, but I highly doubt this is what the writers intended.

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