TV-14 | 12 June 2001 (USA)

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  • Season 2 : 2002 | 12 Episodes

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    I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.

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    Robert Joyner

    The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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    Tyreece Hulme

    One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.

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    Walter Sloane

    Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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    Although Witchblade did not last very long it would definitely compare with today's "Castle" as far as fictional investigation programs. The upside to it was that the actual witchblade was done well for its time and would hold up to today's standards for sci-fi shows.I have to agree with others' comments that the writing was superb since it was done by the original writers along with the network. The female detective who ends up wielding the suspicious weapon goes through a learning process from one episode to another. This is just one of many aspects that makes the show so appealing to the viewer.Personally, I did not know of the comic book until a couple years later, which made the program even more memorable knowing that I was witness to one of the best sci-fi detective shows that had ever been on television.

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    I saw the series when it initially aired on TNT, and I found it fresh, exciting and captivating. The combination of pure escapist fantasy and cop drama worked well in this incarnation. Yes, it was strange, but strange doesn't mean that it wasn't entertaining. By juxtaposition of an ages-old metaphysical history against Sara Pezzini's attempts to cope with that in the framework of her contemporary physical world, it created a whole new universe for the writers to dabble in. I believe that people who enjoyed "Sliders" "Farscape" and "Quantum Leap" would have enjoyed this show, as well.All good drama contains conflict, and in this case the conflict was manifest in Sara's efforts to reconcile the mundane and the metaphysical. At first a hard-bitten cynic, we see Sara slowly and begrudgingly grow spiritually and emotionally as she begins to accept and embrace her destiny as the current bearer of the Witchblade.I was introduced first to the TV series, and then I want back to check out the comic: yet I found the series more accessible. At points during the series you were left wondering along with Sara if she was hallucinating or having visions of events that actually happened--which helped build tension in the storyline.I also didn't object to the ending of the third X-Men movie, even though it strayed from the comic-book lexicon. The important thing is that within the context of that story, it made sense, and helped move the plot forward effectively. It makes no sense to attempt to bring comic-book characters to the big screen, if all you're going to do is regurgitate the comic-book legend exactly as it appeared in print. An effective re-imagining actually takes old characters and makes them fresh and relevant again, as in the re-imagining of the Superboy legend in the Smallville TV series. I've read the Superman and Superboy comics growing up, which were mostly kind of corny. Smallville has taken the development of young Kal-el and made him contemporary and interesting again.If a film or TV adaptation of a story originally told in graphic novel or comic book format stays true to the spirit and intent of the character, and changes are made to improve the dramatic flow in that direction, then those changes should be embraced as a welcome improvement, and not dismissed offhandedly from the dogmatic perspective of it straying from the comic, or being too different.

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    How often can you say a TV series changed your life?Witchblade, the wonderful cast, writers, crew came together to forge an unforgettable event. A TV series with soul. And for at least one season it was free of management interference. The second season was a valiant effort in face of great odds. But all good things must be crushed by the relentless interference of American managers. When something is perfect they can't let it be.Thank you to Yancy Butler for her wonderful portrayal of a real heroine. Thank you to the photographic skills of the crew and thank you to the people who choose the unforgettable music.And thank you to Warner Bros. for setting me free. Forcing me to give up on American TV and look for entertainment someplace else. From the TV series I looked to the comic book, and while I was in the comic store I discovered manga and eventually anime. Now, coming full circle the Japanese are airing an anime version of Witchblade. Sweet revenge. I don't need you anymore Warner Bros.Isn't it about time WB released Witchblade to DVD? They have made money around the world even after destroying it. Let new American viewers rediscover it.

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    WITCHBLADE: The SeriesTM is the best Comics-/TV adapatation to have been broadcast since THE FLASHtm (1990)! In both instances, the characters are ones for whom I cared little in their Comics incarnations, but their adaptations have breathed new life into the characters, and in both instances, have transcended their Comics incarnations, just as was done with SPIDER-MANtm (2002). MS. YANCY BUTLER is a far better actress than what we have come to expect from series such as BLACK SCORPIONtm, so those viewers who are not readers of Comics will not find themselves alienated from the series, should they be lucky enough to find a network that still broadcasts the programme. Regrettably, the show was cancelled, recently, but hopefully, it will be made available on VHS & DVD, soon.

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