7 Nights Of Darkness
7 Nights Of Darkness
R | 08 November 2011 (USA)
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In 2010 six reality television show contestants spent seven nights in an abandoned and haunted asylum. The show never aired but an editor for the network was able to piece together some footage. The prize for staying all seven nights was a share of one million dollars that was to be split amongst any contestants that didn't leave. No prize money was ever awarded.


Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,

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I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.

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Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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Jon Tao

A surprisingly competent horror movie. I enjoy supernatural horror without the gore, and with a 5,000 clam budget, these folk pulled it off. The acting was decent, but could have used a little less of the actors yelling over each other, a little less of the over dramatic and a lot less of the f word. I don't understand the over use of the f word in horror flicks these days. It adds nothing, but directors just don't seem to realize this. Still, I enjoyed this flick. The props used were effective and the ghosts were solid. There were the usual flaws that are seen in practically every horror flick. Most horror movies fall down because the characters are too stupid to see the evil that is befalling them, and the characters in this movie qualify as exceptionally stupid.

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After the success of "The Blair Witch Story," Hollywood seemed to become inundated with numerous shaky pseudo-documentary movies with "real" characters experiencing paranormal activities. "Paranormal Activity" was one of the better ones, and "7 Nights Of Darkness" is actually a hidden gem in the collection. The movie features six contestants of a hidden camera series who have to stay the night in the abandoned Madison Seminary (which is also named Ohio College Building right out front). The setting is actually a real haunted location once featured in the series, "My Ghost Story." There's no long tedious set-up or back-story about the location, in fact, the location is quite scary on its own. The plot involves the contestants staying one week in the location to win a million dollars, but over time, odd occurrences and their own imaginations start to prey on them and eventually it becomes kind of obvious that something very creepy is haunting the location. The movie is actually incredibly scary. The special effects are light, but after a while, the camera troubles and barrages of static and white noise start to get annoying. It's a very good movie to watch despite the fact it doesn't waste a lot of money on special effects.

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The first 30-40 minutes are rough to watch, but the movie gets better from there. It was the first time in a long time that I actually jumped at a couple scenes. My recommendation is to watch it as if you and some friends were filming it, rather than watching it as you would a main stream horror film. Based on pure "scared feeling", i chose to give it a 6, which I believe is why you would watch a movie like this. If you are looking for great effects and A list acting, then continue your search. Overall, I would recommend it to a friend, but I would say to rent rather than buy it.No drugs/alcohol/sex. Scene with very light violence. Excessive swearing.

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Not since the original Paranormal Activity was released have I been so impressed with a POV-style horror movie. So if you liked Paranormal Activity, you'll definitely like this little jewel. The pace, story, and setting differs. However, the style and level of unsettling chills delivered are very much the same. 7 Nights of Darkness manages plenty of creepy scares to turn the frail of constitution into nervous insomniacs. I sure wouldn't want to watch it alone in the dark, and I'm a horror buff! The acting is not going to win anyone any awards, but it's no notable nuisance...save one actress' performance anyways. Yes, there's some serious over-acting from a blonde named Lena, which is unfortunate because the film is so great otherwise. What a relief when she finally quit talking! After the unmistakeably bad performance moment by Lena, the film really picks up and shines... so stay tuned it's well worth it!I found it odd that characters would mysteriously disappear, yet the others in the group didn't seem the least bit concerned about it. The camera style may be annoying for some, but if you watch TV's Ghost Adventures and aren't bothered by that style then you'll be fine. The FX are effectual yet simplistic, they get the job done well.The ghosts aren't the usual stalkers or precocious poltergeists we often see in films. They are are plainly vicious and their stories are irrelevant. They aggressively terrorize with violence rather than just revel in their victims confusion. For a movie made with a budget of about $5000 they certainly got a lot of bang for their buck and present their audience with a pleasing and enjoyable flick. For that, they should be proud, and you'll be glad to have watched it.

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