7 Suns
7 Suns
| 17 April 2009 (USA)
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A man called "The Black" is hired to smuggle a group of undocumented migrants into the United States. He wants to quit the smuggling business and claims this is his last trip. His superiors, now suspicious, send Gavilan, a younger smuggler, to keep an eye on him. During the troubled crossing, the smugglers fight and eventually lose part of their human cargo. "The Black" escapes from his former associates but also needs to ecape from the Border Patrol.


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This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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I just watched this film on You Tube, and I would have to say that this could have been a good one, but it has some poor acting, bad timing, and characters that were simply not developed very well. Many other things that take place in this film are simply not credible at all. The worst part of the movie though, was that the lead "coyote"(a term to describe the one who leads illegal immigrants across the border from Mexico to the U.S.) is portrayed as some sort of a hero, when he is actually a very despicable piece of garbage as a human being. I found his depiction to be an insult to the viewer. No wonder I never heard of this movie, it could have been good, with the theme of what illegals face trying to get across the border, but it was badly done.

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This is a great film. It's true to life about what people have to do just to get into America to build a life for themselves and their family. The acting, directing, writing are all great. Cinamatically it's great too. I watched it more than once and will watch it again. I highly recommend this film. Granted it does not have the most happy ending. That's because it is a realistic film not a fantasy film. Gustavo Sanchez Parra (Amores Perros)does a very believable job in leading this cast of actors who are probably unknown to most American movie-goers. His work in this film made me very interested in seeking out and watching his other films. This is a great film to show preteens and teenagers for them to see what some people have to go through to attain the basic things many of us take for granted here in America. It really got me interested in studying the subject more.

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