A Dennis the Menace Christmas
A Dennis the Menace Christmas
G | 13 November 2007 (USA)
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A Dennis The Menace version of A Christmas Carol where Mr. Wilson plays his own version of Scrooge. While Dennis has problems of his own with the neighborhood bully, he does his best to try and give Mr. Wilson the Christmas Spirit. Dennis causes his usual damage and Mr. Wilson ends up breaking Dennis' spirit. An Angel of Christmas Past Present and Future steps in to help save Christmas for the Mitchells, the Wilsons, and everyone else.


A Major Disappointment

Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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Dennis the Menace repackaged for Christmastime has the troublesome kid tormenting elderly neighbor, Mr. Wilson (this time, Robert Wagner) during the holiday season. Although Dennis intentions are noble (he wants to bring the Christmas spirit to grouchy scrooge, Wilson), it often comes with disastrous results. Wilson's expensive stamp collection is ruined as is the front of his house when Dennis' antics, unsupervised even if well intended, cause more harm than good (the stamps were meant for sent Santa letters and there were lights haphazardly placed resulting in explosion and fire!). Couple those instances with a cookie made by Dennis (his use of kitchen foods, many of which don't quite mesh well together, included in a blender mess) that disrupts Wilson's blood pressure and an "accidentally" stolen Christmas tree meant for his home (Dennis felt Wilson's home needed Christmas spirit) further complicate matters. After an equally disastrous Thanksgiving special on stage that goes awry when Dennis lets free accidentally a chicken (he opens the cage to get it some water!), there was an insurance clause called "the Dennis clause" that says if the menace causes damage the family owes those financially harmed by him! An appeal to "Christmas Spirit" (played by a spirited and very appealing Godfrey) for helping Wilson find "Santa" (essentially the spirit of the season) leads to a brief middle-of-the-film "Christmas Carol". Innocuous, family-friendly, ooey-gooey fare is harmless and forgettable. Wagner amuses as a grumpy old-timer who Bah-Humbugs his way through the movie until he realizes that he was similar to Dennis as a child (when visiting the past), understanding that his wife truly loves the holiday (she keeps a single ornament in a drawer), and is shown that his words (the season is "S"tupid) can lead to rotting the spirits of Dennis resulting in a tragically lonely future. With Louise Fletcher as Wilson's tolerant wife (how she calmly deals with Dennis' damage to her home and husband is commendable!), George Newbern and Kim Schraner as Dennis' long-suffering but patient parents enduring numerous cost-increasing disasters thanks to their son, and Isaac Dumford as an insurance agent who benefits significantly from the damage caused by Dennis. Dumford is an antagonist with a bullying son (to Dennis, who is an itty-bitty tyke), he insists not be a "loser". Dumford's son challenges "Mitchell" (Dennis' nickname said with extra malice) to a bike race but Dennis doesn't have the "Mite-y Bike" as of yet, hoping Santa delivers this to him on Christmas morning. Almost exclusively for kids, this aims to please those about ten or younger. Maxwell Perry Cotton is just too sweet and cute, without that "problem child" mischievous edge to him, that makes him the least bit convincing as the Dennis the Menace we associate with that beloved character. Wagner gets into the part as Wilson, an oft-endangered and nervous senior just wanting to be as far away from Dennis as possible.

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kai ringler

Definitely a movie where the entire family can watch, without the fear of a lot of swearing,, or shotgun blasts, bombs going off, or sex. that said this is a very good comedy,, lot's of mayhem in this,, dennis is up to his usual tricks in this one,, he is being picked on by a bully in school, but through it all he decides to give some Christmas spirit to his local neighbor Mr. Wilson,, but as much as he tries to help the man he unfortunately just makes things worse for the poor old man,, himself and the whole neighborhood. very touching film , lot's of comedy,, and we see the use of the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future, Robert Wagner is very good in this picture as well,,

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Another live-action Dennis the Menace is released. In this one, Dennis enjoys Christmas, but he finds out that his neighbor, Mr. Wilson, is deeply disgusted by it. (What a surprise.)Dennis attempts to get Mr. Wilson into the Christmas, but everything he does is done so badly that I'm starting to think he actually planned it to be bad. Because of him, Mr. Wilson is poisoned, arrested, injured and among other things. I'm not one for physical humor (i.e getting arrested or injured for laughs),and I know it's just a show, but it's just gross and very rude how these "jokes" are executed. Next, in the story, after depressing Dennis, Mr. Wilson is given a "Dicken's twist" by having him be Scrooge and he's to find out that if he ruins Christmas for Dennis, then Dennis will grow up to be very grouchy, like Mr. Wilson. The story is very unoriginal and it dosen't at all do justice for either the "Dennis the Menace" comics or "A Christmas Carol." In my opinion, both Dennis and Mr. Wilson went too far. It's justified that Mr. Wilson needs to lighten up, but Dennis trying to make him a decent Christmas is actually wrong. He should have gotten help by his parents before he did anything to Mr. Wilson.

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Amy Adler

He's back! Dennis the Menace Mitchell (Maxwell Perry Cotton) is about to put on a show, with his school class' Thanksgiving play. In the audience are his adoring parents, Henry (George Newburn) and Alice (Kim Schraner) as well as grouchy neighbor, George Wilson (Robert Wagner) and his long-suffering wife Martha (Louise Fletcher). But, naturally, the play doesn't go off as planned. Dennis lets the live turkey out early, for a drink of water, and the play's gal-star is allergic to feathers and starts screaming. Soon all heck breaks loose and the stage is in tatters. But, for the Mitchells, it goes from bad to worse, as they discover the school has a "Dennis clause" in its insurance plan and Henry and Alice will have to pay for the damage their son caused. Wow. Off Alice goes to a mall job as a gift wrapper, for the family needs more income to pay bills. But, having to take Dennis with her, it is not long until more havoc and damage is done. So, to keep her job, Alice arranges for Martha and George to babysit Dennis, much to the older man's chagrin. Naturally, Martha has to run to the supermarket and George naps, only to find Dennis has messed with his prized stamp collection. Uh oh. George is pretty hot and Dennis decides that his older neighbor needs the "Xmas spirit", a list his teacher compiled to make the holidays more enjoyable. This involves looking for gifts for Martha, making cookies and putting up a tree. But, at every turn, things go wrong and the Mitchells have so many bills, they fear they may to have to sell the house AND can not give Dennis the prized bicycle he covets for Christmas. But, can Mr. Wilson have a change of heart, especially after a visit from a Christmas angel? All right, this film may not be perfect but, I still found it good holiday entertainment, made for those kiddies who need help to pass the time until the big holiday arrives. Wagner, long a leading man hearthrob, is very nice as the grouchy Wilson, with Fletcher complimenting him well as his kinder wife. Cotton is as adorable as they come, although perhaps more innocent than mischievous. Newburn is one very handsome, kind father figure, hope he pops up in more films soon, and Schraner is also lovely in her understanding-mother role. The film, most likely on a lower budget, has nice sets, costumes, and camera work while the storyline, which is a heavy borrower from other flicks, is certainly lively enough to please most everyone. All in all, if you are looking for a good holiday film for your loved ones, this is one to consider.

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