Addams Family Reunion
Addams Family Reunion
PG | 23 December 1998 (USA)
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The Addams Family goes on a search for their relatives. Gomez and Morticia are horrified to discover that Grandpa and Grandma Addams have a disease that is slowly turning them "normal". The only chance they have of a cure is to find a family member hoping that they know a home remedy.


Wonderfully offbeat film!


This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Clarissa Mora

The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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As a big Addams Family fan I wanted to see this movie ever since I first heard of it. But over here in Holland, it isn't available so I wasn't able to see it. Until today, when I discovered the full movie is on YouTube.Since Raul Julia's death I thought Tim Curry would be the perfect follow-up as Gomez Addams. I was wrong. Very wrong. Tim Curry surely has the looks to be Gomez, but his acting in this movie is lame and he doesn't get the heart of Gomez Addams. It's hard to imagine this was the same actor who scared so many people in his portrayal as Pennywise the Clown.Daryl Hannah as Morticia is just another example of miscasting. She does not have the Gothic heart to portray Morticia as Carolyn Jones and Anjelica Huston had.Even 'our very own Dutch' Carel Struycken is not able to reprise his role as Lurch as he did in the movies with Raul Julia and Chrisopher Lloyd and seems to have lost his Lurch-mojo here.Patrick Thomas as Uncle Fester is something I liked. This had some promise. He is way different from Christopher Lloyd's portrayal, but is more close to Jackie Coogan's interpretation of the character. But Patrick Thomas unfortunately also had to suffer from low budgets and bad directing/lighting/production fails and looks more like a guy who dresses up for Halloween in an attempt to be Uncle Fester than that he is convincing, But this is not because of his acting, but because of the cheap and bad make-up.The same goes for the wardrobe of the other characters: cheap, way too 'clean' and all looking like it was bought at the dollar store. Especially the clothing for Pugsley.The special effects are bad, but that's something I could accept as it is a made-for-TV-only movie. The lighting and editing are also very bad.

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Bad acting, bad special effects, bad script, bad direction and very bad editing. Was there any reason to make this movie?John Astin had his approach on Gomez. Raul Julia, instead of playing Astin's Gomez, made a character of his own. But not Tim Curry. No. Maybe not his fault, after all. This was supposed to be Julia's third installment as Gomez, had he not died. The "producers" may have been obsessed with the idea and wanted Julia's Gomez, anyway. Curry imitated Julia's Gomez and payed poor homage to his predecessor.Darryl Hanna as Morticia? Back in the day, I thought a blonde was a stupid choice for playing the character, but back then I didn't know Carolyn Jones was a redhead herself. Hanna would have been an average Morticia, if it hadn't been for the wig shifting places above her head. Sometimes her forehead looks so big, its creepier than the Addamses.An advice for the guy playing Fester: "There is such a thing as OVERACTING". The Wednesday girl tried so hard to be creepy, that her acting career is over.Pugsly was OK, if you don't count on his excessive baggage.A bad movie overall. Even for a TV movie.Sorry for the people who bought it on VHS.

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I watched the Addams Family and the Addams Family Values, they were great! The cast was magnificent! Raul Julia is the only person in my mind that portrays Gomez the right way. He was strong, funny and he needed his wife and family. The first two movies played off the comics and were a joy for everyone to watch...there was humor for the children and humor for adults. The Addams Family is a JOKE! I hated it to say the least. They should have never made another movie..the only person to do a good job was Lurch! Where was the wonderful Morticia Addams that Anjelica Huston portrayed? Instead we get this crap shoot Daryl Hannah trying way to hard to be like Anjelica. I wouldn't watch this movie if I were you, it is a waste of time. Live your life pretending that it doesn't exist. There was no humor in it at all. The acting sucked! Anjelica Huston and Raul Julia were the ultimate Morticia and Gomez! May Raul Julia rest in piece! I can only imagine what he would think about how these people destroyed the Addams Family! DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE! It should have never been made..or at least not without the original cast...which is not possible! GO ADDAMS FAMILY AND ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES!!

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I was very frustrated by this video. I am a big fan of both Tim Curry and the Addams Family. I got the feeling that the people responsible for the video were not fans of either the cartoon nor the TV show. Tim Curry's Gomez was a sore loser quick to start fist fights and not that interested in his wife. The Gomez we know and love can be drawn to anger but usually resolves his arguments with swords or dueling pistols. And as for Morticia? Well, only mere seconds go by before Gomez is overcome with passion at the very site of her. In this outing we do not get a "Tish that's French!" or a quick run up Morticia's arms with kisses from her beloved husband. It is like watching Fred Flinstone but never hearing Yabba Dabba Do. Really, what's the point?

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