The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle
The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle
PG | 30 June 2000 (USA)
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Rocky and Bullwinkle have been living off the finances made from the reruns of their cartoon show. Boris and Natasha somehow manage to crossover into reality and team up with Fearless Leader, an evil criminal turned media mogul with some evil plans up his sleeve. Rocky and Bullwinkle must stop the three of them before they wreak havoc.


hyped garbage


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.

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Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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Python Hyena

The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (2000): Dir: Des McAnuff / Cast: Piper Perabo, Robert De Niro, Jason Alexander, Rene Russo, Randy Quaid: Rocky the flying squirrel and his moose pal Bullwinkle were cancelled in 1964 and have existed only through re-runs. And what a kick in the crotch it must have been to them both when this screenplay was dreamed up in their Honor. Rocky has forgotten how to fly, just as the screenwriter forgot how to write a decent screenplay. Bullwinkle is busy writing letters to the President, but those letter most likely do not involve resigning. The evil Fearless Leader plans to take over the earth using Real Bad T.V. Perhaps he should give everyone free tickets to this travesty then since it is clear that no one will pay to see it. Director Des McAnuff remains faithful to the cartoon despite evidence to a limited budget. Fearless Leader is a lifeless villain despite Robert De Niro's amusing performance. Jason Alexander and Rene Russo as henchmen Boris and Natasha are likely hoping that this film doesn't resurface during any career tribute since it isn't their best moment. Piper Perabo plays the young heroine who has the mentality of someone of age five. Randy Quaid plays an idiot named Cappy von Trapment. Why not rename him Crappy von Trapment? It couldn't be any worse than any other stupid idea in this junk. This film should learn to a building. Score: 1 / 10

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Another relic from the "let's make a live-action movie from an old cartoon" fad from decades ago. Better than most of the others, but it still doesn't work, even with the decision to keep Rocky and Bullwinkle as toons rather than use, say, people in animal costumes.A full-fledged cartoon version would have been far better. The human actors don't fit in with their cartoon counterparts. Robert DeNiro certainly didn't fit the part of Fearless Leader (they should have given that role to Nicholas Cage, who had a more suitable physique). We could have done without "Nothing But A Dreamer" by Supertramp either (the cartoon didn't have music, other than the theme and some "dramatic effect" chords at times) This effectively spoiled the old cartoon atmosphere, and the story itself was meandering and ultimately boring and pointless. For the running time, they could have done so much more.Intended for fans of the old cartoon, but probably won't satisfy most of them.

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Just hearing De Nero reprise one of his most famous lines is worth the viewing - great cast, same bad puns, outrageous story lines, the stern voiced narrator, mix of wit, low humor, physical humor, and satire that made the TV show a classic. I think Jay Ward would approve... The only things missing are the Fractured Fairy Tales, Aesop, Mr. Peabody and Sherman, and of course Dudley Dooright (who got his own movie). Those who panned this movie should be banished to Pottsylvania and forced to watch the Smurf Movie for 93 hours straight. Finally see how Piper Perabo cut her teeth with the FBI before jumping to the CIA on the USA Network

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Robert Deniro gives a great performance. The only parts that fall flat are with Rocky and Bullwinkle in them. The technology just wasn't there. It is a shame because this could have been a great movie. This movie knows its limits, so it doesn't hesitate to let everyone know what they're going to get. It could be an excuse, perhaps overly-done. The Characters were just great excluding "the squirrel and moose". Of course there are going to be some cheesy moments, but I think the writers had something here. There are plenty of Inside-jokes and references for adults. Overall, this movie was very entertaining. 7.5/10

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