Axe to Grind
Axe to Grind
| 03 February 2015 (USA)
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B-movie legend, actress Debbie Wilkins, has just been replaced by a 23 yr old scream queen in her lovers bed. More importantly she's been left out of her lovers new film. Debbie doesn't take rejection well.


Great Film overall


The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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Usamah Harvey

The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.

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James Wright

There was actually a lot of promise to the premise of an ageing Scream Queen taking revenge on her younger replacements, and at times this film touches upon that and really could have been something special. However overall it is hard to recommend a film that just shows promise but never truly delivers.In this case the premise is let down by the lack of plot and acting, something the film itself references (points for trying but simply saying 'our film doesn't really have much of a plot, just tits and violence' isn't enough to excuse this, especially when as film- makers you are self-aware enough to make this point). Also as a side point, as a movie that rests its hat on exploitation, in terms of nudity; there is some, but not anywhere near as much as you would perhaps expect. The violence too is lacking somewhat due to budget and imagination. Furthermore the movie premise is hamstrung by a lack of viable victims to begin with, as such the movie attempts to stretch out deaths and has nothing to fill in the time with. Perhaps if the characters had been better developed then this would have been more effective, but there really is nothing added past their bios given in the first few seconds of their appearance in the movie. If you are going to use these women as just bodies to watch and chop then why not have seven or eight with some fun deaths?So overall the movie can only be described as a let down, lacking the appropriate level of talent, fun and even nudity to really justify more than a casual watch if you are a fan of boobs.

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The story offers up some cheeky humor with dialog that is delivered with zest. Sometimes the acting falls flat and feels contrived, but for the most part "Axe To Grind" runs smoothly. Debbie Rochon is all about her character from the word go! I imagine playing this character was a bit cathartic. On the down side, the story is weak and cliché, with all the expected moments set up in touchstone formula. Some of the dramatic scenes step into the "over acted" stage, but the cast is committed to their characters and it shows on screen. This makes for an entertaining b-movie spectacle.The special effects are on the cheaper side but acceptable, and they work their necessary magic to sell the screens. I did see some CGI blood spray, something I detest, but there was enough respect for the genre that organic blood splatter and practical effects are plenty in "Axe To Grind". The sound track and sound effects are the standard streams of instrumental affair. The music and effects work, they get you into the attitude and fun headspace of " Axe To Grind ".Overall, " Axe To Grind" falls short of the desired energy that the story and acting demands. The film keeps an even upward momentum, it just doesn't completely carry the thrills and chills with it. It has a staged feel haunts the sequences. A set 'em up, knock 'em down" type deal. But their is a female slasher, the carnage is present, and Rochon is entertaining on screen. Check it out, just know that it barely gets above mediocre overall.

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