Black Eagle
Black Eagle
R | 01 May 1988 (USA)
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One of the US Air Force's most modern tactical aircrafts, an F-100 with a new laser guidance system, crashes into the sea near Malta - a region where the Soviet forces are highly present, too. The CIA immediately sends out their best secret agent, Ken Tani, to salvage the system before it falls into enemy hands. To ensure his loyalty, they bring his two young sons to a nearby hotel on the island.


That was an excellent one.


Surprisingly incoherent and boring


It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.

Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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Phil Hubbs

Ah one of those old JCVD movies that wasn't actually a JCVD movie. I remember being fooled by this back in the day when I was a kid, the cool looking movie poster with both Kosugi and JCVD looking uber badass, the movie title in that striking old USSR logo, so much promise from one image. This movie is very much like JCVD's other early action flick 'No Retreat, No Surrender', he doesn't appear much in that film either, plus he also plays yet another baddie Russian character. So back in the 80's JCVD was kinda typecast as a Russian henchman, guess he had that look.The plot actually revolves around Sho Kosugi, a special ops operative who is called up to find some downed hi-tech equipment from the bottom of the Mediterranean. Some laser tracking devices went down with a jet that was shot down by whoever for whatever reasons. This is all set in Malta and is now very dated to look at of course, in fact the entire thing looks very much like an old James Bond flick, especially with the whole downed jet with hi-tech equipment scenario. It all feels very much like 'Never Say Never Again' to me. At first I thought this was just me but no! this movie does actually try its best to rip-off the Bond franchise. Hell there's even a smoky casino sequence with the main villain and his sidekicks at the roulette table facing off against Kosugi. The whole scene is clearly lifted straight outta the 007 universe, 'Dr. No' much!The location work for this movie is extremely impressive I must say, its easily the best aspect of the feature. Every scene is shot in and around the beautiful and awe-inspiring sand coloured stone structures of Malta and its various famous landmarks. To be quite honest most of this movie is actually rather dull frankly, all we see for the most part is Kosugi pussy footing around like a beige coloured ninja or swimming in crystal clear blue waters. He also has a sidekick, some other skinny dude who aids him with intel. The rest of the time it cuts to scenes with his two kids who eventually get kidnapped, and that's the only reason they are be kidnapped. Sure Kosugi's bosses used the kids to get him to do this assignment but after that it makes no real sense why they hang around in the face of obvious danger. If all this hadn't been shot against this stunningly historic, sand coloured land of ancient wonder then it would be completely pointless.After lots of rather mundane dialog and hints of JCVD's grandness, we finally get a showdown between him and Kosugi. The setting is perfect, atop of some crumbling derelict old fortress wall (or so it seemed), a blazing sun high in the clear blue sky, both men glistening in the Mediterranean heat (oh my!), JCVD vs Kosugi, round 1, fight! Annnnd its all over in less than three minutes, yep a few kicks, a few ducks and parries, a bit of blood around the chops and its all over. We now have to wait to the very end for another face- off, ugh!Yep then its back to more of Kosugi prancing around with his skinny sidekick as they create their plan to infiltrate the villains main ship, thing is I can't remember why. Not that any of that matters now because this is the lead up to the main battle, the main battle against Ernst Stavro Blofeld and his hordes of henchmen aboard his...oh wait. Yep we now get a quick 'Commando' rip-off with Kosugi gearing up and covering himself in black tar by the looks of it, he does a sloppy job of it too sheesh! Lock n load with a bigass crossbow to rip-off Rambo a little bit, then its off we go to kill all the bad guys. This all leads to the finale fight with JCVD, round 2, fight! It lasts a bit longer this time but it never really hits it stride, both men seem to take turns in doing all their signature moves whilst trying not to hurt each other too much. Some nice swing and misses with sweeps and roundhouse kicks etc...but nothing that will get you frothing for more.I lost the plot ages ago with this, they were after these laser tracking devices and I'm sure Kosugi found them and won the movie halfway through, I dunno. It had to lead up to some sort of big showdown with guns and plosions. Its a very odd movie really, Kosugi isn't much of a leading man or fighter judging by this, plus his accent is very heavy and hard to follow at times. JCVD is wasted but does make a fun bad guy, whilst the main villains are pretty pathetic, completely non-threatening, just suits. Clearly they were trying for a slick Bond-esque type romp with semi-serious overtones, yet at the same time they throw in little bits from other franchises too just to make sure, they even get Kosugi's kids in on the action.In the end the plot goes MIA halfway through and it all becomes a very lame excuse just to get Kosugi facing off against JCVD (in a pretty location). The problem being its all a completely wasted opportunity because most of this film sucks, if anything it serves as a fantastic tourist advertisement for the Island of Malta and its idyllic cobbled backstreets.3/10

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Comeuppance Reviews

Ken Tani (Sho) is a CIA agent assigned to Malta where a highly sophisticated plane with a destructive weapons system has been found underwater. His goal is to get to it before the evil Russians. The most evil-est Russian of them all is a man named Andrei (Van Damme) and he'll stop at nothing to prevent Tani from getting to the plane before his KGB brethren. To ensure Tani does his job, his two children, Denny and Brian (Shane and Kane Kosugi) have been flown to Malta and put under the care of Patricia Parker (Clark), a woman who brings them to museum after museum with a bunch of tourists in order to bore them out of their minds. Well, according to Survivor, it's "East vs. West, it's the paradox that drives us all." Will Sho overcome against Van Damme? Don't bother finding out today! Black Eagle is pretty much universally acknowledged as one of Van Damme's weakest films, especially from among the early part of his career. Well, we would just like to humbly add our voices to the chorus. The simple fact is, Black Eagle just isn't very good. And it's very easy to explain why: it doesn't work as an action movie, and it doesn't work as a non-action movie. It's like two big gears with a wrench right in between them that's stopping them from turning. The movie seems like it was made to cash in on the action movie boom of the day, and it was made by people with no grasp of how to make an effective action film. That's a fatal formula. Any supposed "action" is limp at best, and what occurs in the meantime is inept and no viewer could possibly care what these people are talking about. When there's no non-action going on, the movie is filled with moronic dialogue no one could possibly get invested in. It brings us no pleasure to say these things. We wish Black Eagle was better, we really do. But we have to tell the truth.You'd think a movie starring Van Damme and Sho Kosugi couldn't possibly be lame. It's a reasonable thing to think, and surely just about everyone who saw the box art for this movie while perusing their video store had the same feeling. But there's not just one, but TWO anti-climactic, very brief fights between the two. All the makers of Black Eagle had to do was make a movie about Sho taking down goon after goon in his own inimitable way, until the big fight at the end with Van Damme. You'd think that would be a no-brainer. But oh no, they couldn't just do that and satisfy the fans. They had to come up with a bunch of nonsensical claptrap to frustrate audiences. Straining for positives, we found that the movie had some pretty shots of Malta, and to be fair there are a handful of unintentional "laffs" that keep you going until the end, but Black Eagle is truly for Van Damme and Sho completists only.For instance, we have the world's largest "No Smoking" sign, and Van Damme's pants are hiked up to the max (and in other scenes, especially some of his hilariously unnecessary scenes where he's doing a split, he appears to be an old-fashioned strongman, which is very silly). Sho has some nutty moments of his own, especially when he's on the deck of a boat, screaming utterly incomprehensible dialogue to other characters on an upper level of the boat. Not only is it unnecessary that these characters be so far apart, space-wise, but Sho screams all his dialogue while wearing nothing but a Speedo and glasses. Talk about a stylish combo. Sadly, this is the only movie where Van Damme and Sho were together. You'd think they would have reconvened at a later time to make a better movie. Maybe there's still time.Packed to the rafters with stupidity, Black Eagle is unlikely to appeal to its main potential audience - action fans - and will alienate every other potential viewer as well. Unless you're in an especially masochistic mood, we say avoid Black Eagle.

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no matter how great a fan of any action hero you may be this movie is not action, this is posing one thing and calling it action. this film had practically zero action scenes worth watching. in fact this entire film was not worth watching. no matter how big a fan of Jean Van Damme you are this movie is a disgrace to his talent. don't waste your time i wont even go into details why. stay away and unless your getting paid don't waste your time. as i rented this movie the only reason i did was to see Van Damme fight. as this movie unfolded about some corny plot of secret weapons this was a OK idea. the Prussians are trying to beat the Americans into finding it. well i saw the wests best man come in and he couldn't fight for his life. and he was more worried about his boys having fun than fighting the guys chasing him. this has no right to be on film, it has no right to be seen, it has no right to be called a movie. well thats putting it nicely. take some advice and don't waste your time or you will regret it.

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aditya sethi

just because jean claude is with, it doesn't mean that the movie will be good. i switched of the TV after 30 minutes just because it had no story. no action, nothing! jean claude is not even the main guy. all the other miserable unknown actors make the movie boring. i wanted to watch to the movie just because i was attracted to the title and jean claude. if you watch the movie, whole day will be wasted. that Chinese guy can't even fight, two guys are after him and he runs away from them setting a trap. the only thing i liked that jean cluade is evil in the movie but you won't see him fight. worth watching it on TV but please don't buy it unless you're a jean claude fan.

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