Best movie of this year hands down!
It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
View MoreThe performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
View MoreStory: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
WARNING: SPOILERS It was a good movie. Tension builds up nicely. Ending kills it.-1 star for horrible ending. Seriously, half of the stuff in the movie could've been cut out and that ending would've made sense. I have a feeling the ending was rushed. Spoiler: I felt from the beginning the movie was building up to a "the-head-guy-was-evil" type ending. A lot of the buildup just doesn't make sense without it actually being real.-1 star for the lead actress' acting. All other acting was spot on. All she did was look good through the movie. Her acting wasn't just wasn't believable.
View MoreThis movie is a mystery. It's not scary, it's spooky. You'll probably jump at some points and for some of it you'll be scratching your head to figure it out. It unfolds its mystery through the main character Eve and her psychotic college project at an insane asylum, Don. He needs her to search for some clues to vindicate himself from murdering his mother, and once Eve agrees to help him, she completely opens up pandora's box and unleashes some very strange things, including Malachi. I won't go into Malachi, but I thought the way that played out was complete genius. I know movie buffs won't regard this movie with the same prestige as other classics because it doesn't have anyone very famous in it (Angelina Jolie's brother was excellent, but maybe he should have asked his sister to show her face just so this movie could get some recognition) but I do think the way the Malachi ending works is something to talk about. I've recommended this to my friends, definitely worth the purchase or rental price.
View MoreWhenever I see comments here along the lines "the movie is crap, but at least so-and-so was a hot chick / guy", whenever this happens I know: a certain kind of people doesn't like it, and that is exactly the kind of people I want to dislike "my" movies.So this one has a decent script and the end is NOT disappointing - it is, indeed, a not quite so fresh twist, but it was far more plausible than anything M. Night Shyamalan has dreamt up so far, and that DOES include the highly overrated "Sixth Sense".On the other hand: the ending, though presenting a good conclusion for the plot, is overly optimistic and feel-good that it gets cheesy (1 star reduced for that fact alone).But the 85 or so minutes up front work remarkably well, and script and directing give the viewer a more than fair chance to deduce the final twist well in advance. Besides that, the acting is decent, the low budget doesn't show at all and the whole thing is very aptly written and directed. When I learned how young the writer / director is, and that this was his first film, I was truly impressed.I hope to see more of his work.P.S: Kelly Overton acted well, but she really isn't that hot. Sorry.
View MoreI cant explain what a load of rubbish this film is. Like really i cant. its just that bad.plot=crap acting=crap budget=so low its laughableJesus, its like the only good thing in this movie is the fact the main character was fairly hot.The only people i feel, that think this movie is good are the ones who took part in the film. I'm sure they are not the ones who funded it because there was no money put into this. (HAHAhaha to the bit where there heads get shaved)This movie has already wasted too much of my life so i am not going to waste anymore time writing my review for it.
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