The Rage: Carrie 2
The Rage: Carrie 2
R | 12 March 1999 (USA)
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Following the suicide of her only friend, outcast teen Rachel Lang's life begins a downward spiral that will not only affect her but take everyone around her down in horrifying fashion.


Sadly Over-hyped


Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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Adeel Hail

Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.

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Remembered this from my teenage years. Always pull it out from time to time

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After her friend commits suicide, a teen finds herself slowly getting involved with the football players who supposedly caused it only to realize their true nature and causes her to unveil her slowly-developing telekinetic powers on the guilty party at a celebration.This here was quite the enjoyable sequel which really has a lot going for it. What really gives this one some solid points here is the fact that there's some really rather fun and exciting ways in how the film is connected to the first one that ties them together rather nicely. It takes pretty much the exact same storyline and adds some contemporary sub-plots that actually move the story along and allow the film to set up a problem or two that will result in her humiliation. The reasons that she has to seek vengeance are very realistic reason, as wanting to get back at people who have broadcast her first sexual activity and then tying that into the game with her friend which is plenty of reasons to seek it. The sex alone would be enough, but then the other activities push her over the edge and sets the whole thing in motion with their tormenting and bullying her throughout that second half of the film. With that, the party where it all goes south is action- packed and striking with plenty of fun here with the fire, the grand design of the house coming into play with plenty of encounters on different levels and rooms of the house and the household objects used as killing instruments is very exciting to see. It has the spectacle needed to really sell the humiliation as necessary while remaining faithful to what the original showcased, provided more gore and really brought those powers to the forefront in a grand fashion which is needed here to let the film end on a grand note. These here really give this quite a lot to like and hold this up over the film's negatives. The film's biggest issue is the rather off pacing, as though it's not bland or dull nearly all of the action occurs at the end which allows for some really trying moments in the first half as we get character development and all the set-up and have to deal with a lot of cliché developments. These have appeared in so many films that there's little about the characters being developed which generates some rather familiar stereotypes as they are so easily spotted that you can do it yourself without any trouble. This one also tends to become quite loose when it comes to setting this one in the same universe as the with some rather flimsy connections to make that work and it really is a stretch on some of the issues. These here are the problems that hold this one back.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity, some sex scenes and a scene of animal violence.

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Python Hyena

The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999): Dir: Katt Shea / Cast: Emily Bergl, Jason London, Amy Irving, Zachary Ty Bryan, Dylan Bruno: Worthwhile sequel to Carrie dealing with inner madness opening with telekinetic Rachel witnessing her mother get institutionalized at a young age. Now in high school her best friend commits suicide. She was a pawn where a group of football buddies score each other on sexual acts. One of them had his picture taken with the victim and is under police investigation. Rachel meets Jason London after his dog is in an accident. He feels guilt after having participated in the football lunacy. Amy Irving returns as Sue Snell who learns of Rachel's powers and discovers her birthright. Stylish directing by Katt Shea who can be credited with the interesting prank subplot but its conclusion is disappointing. Emily Bergl does well as Rachel until all hell breaks loose in its duplicate conclusion. Jason London also holds strong as one of the jocks with a little more compassion. Irving unfortunately is wasted and her dismiss is pointless and pitiful. Zachary Ty Bryan plays one of the guilty football jocks in what is a more aggressive streak as compared to his stint on Home Improvement, but we know his destiny here. Other roles are more or less the subject to Carrie's rage where bad things happen. The result is a worthy sequel but hardly an improvement. Score: 6 ½ / 10

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It's bad enough that Carrie had its awful remakes in 2002 and 2013, but if you look at all four Carrie movies, you'll discover one of the worst movies ever. Just like the Firestarter sequel (Rekindled), this one travels way too far from the original plot, the characters are preppy high school students and the soundtrack is horrible, as is the acting.The Rage follows telekinetic outcast and killer Carrie White's half-sister, Racheal, as she discovers her own horrible powers. As a child her mom was committed to a mental hospital so now Racheal lives with her trailer-trash foster parents and her only friend has committed suicide, leaving her alone. Racheal's beloved basset hound, Walter, is squashed by a car, and afterwards Racheal begins to learn that the urban legend of Carrie White, who wrecked the town in the Seventies, was indeed a true story, and soon everyone at school is coming face-to-face with Racheal's telekinetic rage.There are so many cliché horror elements in this movie that it's not even funny. I cared nothing about what happened to any of the characters, the guys were all sleazy sex maniacs and the girls were all snotty Barbie clones or emo teens, nothing unique about anyone. For some reason Racheal has a heart-shaped tattoo, no idea why, and when she uses her powers, vines grow out of it. Why? Like I said, no idea whatsoever, just a pointless waste of the movie's budget.The only bright side to this pathetic load of garbage is that Amy Irving, who played the original Sue Snell in the 1976 Carrie, comes back to play the role of Sue Snell again as an adult. This movie reminded me more of The Haunting of Molly Hartley than it did of Carrie.My advice? Don't watch The Rage unless you're incredibly bored.

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