| 01 January 1989 (USA)
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Carnivore Trailers

A government experiment goes totally wrong as a creature confined in a hidden lab inside and abandoned house escapes. Afterwards, some teens show up to have a little fun in the house, not knowing that the beast is loose and watching them.


Touches You


To me, this movie is perfection.


The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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I'm a big fan of bad movies, but this one isn't enjoyable at all. There's a secret government research lab (the basement of an abandoned house), and some scientist is making a monster. Of course it kills him, and some people are sent from Washington to investigate. Much of the movie is spent with these three idiots prattling about how bad they need to go to the bathroom, how they can't change a flat tire, etc. Some teenagers also wander into the abandoned house, and eventually the monster kills one of them. There are also some stupid cops who spend a lot of time sitting in their car and talking like idiots. That's basically two-thirds of the movie - government idiots arguing in a car, idiot cops being buffoons in a car, and teenagers yakking about teenage stuff in a dark house.In the end, the government people finally arrive and there's the incredibly crappy conclusion. Everything about this is bad, mostly the dialog, but the acting and camera-work take a close second. The whole film looks blue for some reason, it's so dark you can't see what's going on. Not that you really care.Overall, this movie has absolutely none of the fun or amusement that low budget movies can sometimes provide. Avoid it at all costs, it's almost impossible to sit through.

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Why this film hasn't been on MST3000 is beyond me. A horrible film. Horrible. Horrible. Makes Stepfather 3 seem like a cinematic master piece. Sound's terrible, looks like it was shot on video. I've seen low-budget Christian films with better acting and dialogue. And of course, there's that gratuitous nude scene that was probably inserted in a desperate attempt to keep viewers watching. This is the type of movie they'd show at a film school to teach students how NOT to make a movie.I find it very telling that for most of the characters in the film, this was their first--and ONLY--movie. Also got a hoot out of the government agents who wear sunglasses, even when it's nighttime.

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A government experiment goes horribly wrong when their animal test subject escapes and goes on a killing rampage within the house it was stored in. It just so happens that a group of teenagers show up in the house with beer and sex on the mind. The beast decides to eat them one by one...until there is nothing left.I saw this title in the bin for five dollars, normally if I were to get a crappy flick for five dollars I wouldn't care. Although, here we have Carnivore, and I think I should not only get my five dollars back, but a dollar for every god for shaken minute that I had to sit through this piece of garbage. Having the 85 dollars won't make me any happier, or even make me forget Carnivore...but it's the least the makers of this film could do.Some titles that have made me want to put a bullet through my head include: Rollerball, Envy, Belly, Introducing Janet, Son of Mask, SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 and anything from Uwe Boll. But I would gladly watch those films over this any day. I know there are those of you out there that can't believe this, won't believe this, but it's true. This film is that bad and it warrants the TURD AWARD, for WORST FILM EVER!!!!The audio is so horribly bad, it fades in and out throughout the entire running time. I had the volume up full and still had a hard time hearing things. This accompanied by the total darkness the film is covered in makes this a treat for the eyes and the ears. I know that there are films with low budgets, but this is lower then student film quality. There are many crappy B horror films out there that I don't like all too much, Basketcase being a prime example, but I respect it on some level. I can't bring myself to like anything in this film. The one and only part in this film, other then the useless nudity that accompanies these horny filmmakers, is one death scene. It was horrible, but horrible is a step up from what this movie offers.Should I even mention the acting? It is obvious to anyone that in a film like Carnivore you'll be served some laughable people on the screen. Alas, Carnivore manages to give us something completely horrendous then you wish to watch a film with Carrot Top and Paulie Shore as a comedic duo. That's right I went there. The script, if there was ever one, is inane. A secret government organization is in the basement of a house, and the entire government experiment consists of one or two scientists. I can't remember how many there were and I don't want to. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that the Carnivore, which is basically a fur ball with legs, drinks beer. At least it didn't end up having sex with anything....poor Basketcase. Finally, Carnivore makes a film like Campfire Tales look like The Godfather. Everything you can possibly think of is wrong with this film. Did they even try? Well it doesn't appear so here and please god, if anyone has the unfortunate task of watching this film, let them die quickly.

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This movie is so bad, it's hilarious. It was obviously filmed by a film student on a budget (the credits at the end give special thanks to Discover, Visa, MasterCard and American Express). The cell phones used in the movie are the size of bricks, so this must have been filmed in the early '90s, even though the copyright says 2002.The monster looks like it was a rented Halloween monkey costume covered with slime. The sound and lighting are so bad a camcorder was probably used. Occasionally, the film shifts to the monster's point of view - it looks like the colors are reversed or put in a special filter to show lots of green, red and blue.One of the high school girls is a hot blonde wearing a miniskirt. I was waiting to see her get eaten by the monster (**SPOILER ALERT**) but it eats her boyfriend instead (his remains look like a mask covered with red paint and raw hamburger). The monster won't eat the pretty females (maybe it falls in love with them and is killing off the competition?). The bossy intelligence agency lady certainly has a thing for the monster (the beauty and the beast!) and it tries to communicate with her through growls. When one of her underling robo-cop agents shoots it with an automatic, she gets furious at him for killing it. Or ... is it really dead?The movie is certainly very watchable repeated times in a campy sort of way. I think it could be compared to other so-bad-their-good low-budget movies like Plan 9 From Outer Space, the Blair Witch Project, and FearDotCom.

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