Code Name: Wolverine
Code Name: Wolverine
R | 03 December 1996 (USA)
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Harry Gordini is on his way to Italy for a holiday with his family. On his way he accidentally picks up the wrong suitcase which holds in it hundreds of millions worth of new superdrug. Now the drugdealers want the drugs back and kidnap Harry's wife and son. But unfortunately Harry isn't just anyone, he's an ex-Navy SEAL and veteran of the Gulf war, code named "Wolverine". He successfully rescues his wife and kid from the drugdealers, but unfortunately their problems aren't yet over. Adolfo Jones, the head of the crime organisation, is still at large, and he's being helped by couple of dirty DEA-agents. Once again the drugdealer Jones is able to kidnap his son. So everything must come down to a final showdown between the "Wolverine" and Jones...


Admirable film.

Jenna Walter

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.

Ava-Grace Willis

Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.


Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

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Chris Haskell

Before I say too much I think it's important to point out that this was a made for TV action movie, so right away that takes away any serious bloodbath potential, as well as any serious language or nudity possibilities. So working under those parameters, not to mention a tight budget, I guess the creative team did OK with this one. There are a couple of sweet moments where the Wolverine shows how quickly and effortlessly he can crush a persons hope of survival. That's about it. A couple of sweet kills sprinkled in a large vat of mediocrity. What's a hard-hitting action thrill ride without any of the vices discussed above and without a budget for special effects? It's a movie like Wolverine, with long periods of tough guys talking and making decisions and out-toughing each other, and a cliché ridden boring mess. Some other reviewer already mentioned it, but the ending is really bad. Not even like "oh, that's not the way I would have ended it" or "I don't understand the point the director is trying to make here", but just awful. It's a cliffhanger for all the wrong reasons, and made me want to go Wolverine on the production teamRating: 12/40

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... for a made for TV movie, which by the way, is why the "fade to black" business the previous viewer commented on. That's what happens when HBO uses a TV movie and there are no commercials shown!! Actually, for being born Italian, Sabato, Jr. (his family moved to the U.S. when he was very young) is a convincing American and incredibly easy on the eyes which is worth an extra star alone!

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Certainly spoilers ahead...You know you've got a stinker on your hands when a member of some US intel service (I think he was CIA) doesn't know what a Navy SEAL is...(no I am not kidding).I caught this while waiting for another show to come on on HBO recently and have to say that it wasn't necessarily the acting, which I didn't notice to be really horrible, but the production as a whole. Every scene transition was a fade to black and not all smooth. Scenes which should have some tension or emotion were played very seriously and accompanied with horrid soap opera music. This alone added a certain cheapness that caused me to cringe.The story, the action, definitely unrealistic at times, but this had to have some budget to at least in part be filmed in Italy. Most of this can be blamed on the director and producers because the acting and story or realism flaws looked simple enough to clean up. Of course then it looked like they were trying to capitalize on the star Antonio Sabato's physique. Rolling through the little waves on a Zodiac, poised for some SEAL-like invasion, he just couldn't afford to miss a chance to show off his chest or miss any of those Italian sun rays. Situations like this ooze cheap, poor production, and actually this little story might have actually supported itself.One other thing of note, the plot summary given by HBO was that this SEAL was supposed to be a professor...and I just don't see it. Coupled with the fact that Sabato IS like only 31, he looks twenty-two and I didn't picture him as some PhD holding gung-ho guy who had time to go off and do a few years of military training when he wasn't off busting his ass in grad school. Sure, he could have just had a master's and been teaching underwater welding at the local Community College (when he wasn't off getting a tan...), but you be the judge. It all adds up to fluff, where there might have been potential.

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Well it's quite amusing I suppose, very slow considering it's < 2 hours long, but there are some funny linesThe ending is however the lamest attempt at leaving it open for a sequel I've ever seen.

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