| 15 May 2002 (USA)
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In the 21st Century, terrorists have developed a new way to strike: disease. Not only have they created a deadly Level Four Ebola virus, their first victim is the President of the United States. The virus is particularly contagious and is spreading. If a cure cannot be found, the only chance for saving the world from epidemic is for the army to destroy the hospital and the town where the victims, including the President, are currently contained. The clock is ticking. As doctors search for a cure the military seeks to annihilate them all in a race to stop the deadly path of the contagion. Can the spread be stopped before its too late?


It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

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Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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Myron Clemons

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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The quality of direction, acting and script made a possibly worthwhile plot into a disastrous movie. The BBC in their wisdom gave it a re-run tonight and I can't think why. It is not worth even one star. There were glaring continuity errors including (in a different sense)the fact that the previously annoyingly gabby punk kid didn't say a word during all the time he was being held loosely captive by the baddie. She (the baddie)would actually have made a great Rosa Klebb in a Bond movie, but in this film had to cope with bad lines and execrable scenes. She was so quick to plunge the needle into so many of her later victims yet she took so long in her attempt on the heroine that the lift doors open. There was a glaring continuity error with the President's tie. All-in-all not a movie worth the candle.

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Contagion, looked at as a serious or thought-provoking film, is horrible. The storyline and the "scientific information" given in the film is implausible and for the most part false. The movie starts slow, failing attempts to replicate opening scenes of high budget science fiction films such as The Matrix, and eventually evolves into what you might expect from the average Sci-Fi channel movie with low quality acting, choppy storyline, cheap special effects, no real climax, and the sporadic cheesy line thrown in. The most annoying aspect of the entire movie is its lack of scientific facts or supporting information (that is true), such as the movie's portrayal of the virus' effects on humans. Over all this movie's concept seems to be a bit played out and parts of the movie seem awkwardly squeezed and manipulated to fit PG-13 standards, turning this potentially serious sci-fi movie into a low budget comedy.

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This movie was not only badly written but the acting could not have been worse. The only actor who was any good was the 10 year old boy, who actually had feeling when he cried. The script was not the best either. Most of the lines were very cheesy. I had to laugh to keep from hurling. The story line was not all that great or accurate. The president did not have very good security either. How could they not see the barrel sticking out of a window across the street right in front of them? I would like to think that the people protecting the president are a little smarter then that. For dealing with a level 4 hot agent the doctor was not very intelligent seeing as she touched her mouth with a gloved hand after handling the dart that contained the virus. No real doctor would ever work with any level 4 agent with out the right protective gear. There was also not a very accurate representation of what the Ebola virus can do to a person. Now I don't know that much about Ebola but I do know that it does more to your body then just give you a bloody nose and a cough. A better representation would have made this movie better. Everyone looked too good through out the movie. Plus it jumped around a lot. There were too many holes in the plot. In one scene they were standing up talking and in the next scene they were dead. Now how about that ending. No movie would be complete without the terrorist falling off of the roof after being hit with a portable tunnel, the bomb being turned off with two seconds to spare, and a bit of romance. Everyone has time to flirt when there is a hot agent that is air borne around a hospital.

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The story of the movie was not really to bad, something like that could possibly happen now or in the future. Some parts of the story were really kinda silly and didn't make much since. The story didn't flow as good as it could have. The acting was another really big part that kept the movie from being better than it was. Some of the actors actions were just not really believable and did some very odd things. This was another big factor that kept the flow of the movie from being as smooth as it could. Like I said the storyline was for the most part believable, but their were some holes in the story. Their were a lot of parts where they didn't go into enough detail so you really don't know whats going on. But overall I gave Contagion a rating of 4.

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