Darker Than Night
Darker Than Night
| 05 September 2014 (USA)
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When four women move into an old house left by one woman's aunt, strange things begin to happen. Bizarre voices, visions of ghosts, and mysterious noises lead them to discover the darkest powers of evil and a horror and agony beyond terror.


Better Late Then Never


When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

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Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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I hadn't seen the original so judged this on its own merits. And there's a lot to like. Firstly, the location was excellent, the house setting effectively creepy and the camera work patient and building. Secondly the acting was really pretty good, these were much more believable, self-assured and 'real' girls rather than Hollywood b- movie screamers. The pace of the film was measured, not frantic, the mood claustrophobic and cheap 'jump scares' were kept to a minimum. So to the weaknesses. A few times I'd wonder why they just didn't all just stay together for the first few nights or indeed why the friends just didn't leave, car or no car. Becker the cat simply wasn't unnerving enough, it looked bored and given the time may have opted to throw itself into the pool. Overall though the biggest weakness was that it just wasn't scary. The setting could have been used a lot more, more creakiness, more effects more subtle than just a blurred figure in the background or a menacing hand. On balance then I found it engaging and interesting, it isn't the best of the genre but represents a good effort with high production values. If it detracts from the original then that's a shame because there was probably enough quality here to come up with an alternative new plot.

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A girl inherits her aunt's mansion. She used to live there as a kid when she was adopted by the aunt when her parents and sister died. She later was sent to a boarding school. So she does what anyone else would do--move into the place with her three friends but not her boyfriend.There she's welcomed by the creepy and ultra-formal housekeeper. The only request by the aunt is the the niece take care of Becket the black cat. One of the girls has a pet ferret that doesn't get along with Becket. One night the ferret appears dead and the girl blames Becket and eventually will take vengeance.That's when things go awry. The mansion is about as stereotypical as it gets. Like a cheesy haunted house done by Disney. It looks large on the outside with lots of windows but all the rooms are tiny and dark. No sunlight gets in and even when people turn in the lights (which they rarely do), it's still pitchblack. There are spider webs everywhere, dust, mysterious rooms, old junk, pictures, a huge painting of the aunt, etc. So at this point everyone starts seeing, hearing, and dreaming scary stuff. The girl grows distant from her boyfriend and when they throw the lamest housewarming party ever, one of the other girls seduces him, even though or maybe because she's involved with the ugliest guy ever. More and more they start freaking out until we find out what exactly happened at the house years ago when the aunt was young and how that's similar to what is going in the present.Darker Than Night is unfortunately as bad a movie as the reviews and ratings indicate. It's got very little going for it: a cool title for a horror movie that's even more effective in Spanish; the cute Zuria Vega and the stunning Ona Casamiquela, and the performance by Margarita Sanz. That's it. The story is nothing special. And I haven't seen nor care to see the original. The characters are irrelevant, you couldn't care less about these people. For one hour and twenty minutes nothing particularly relevant happens aside from noises. And then when things get hectic it's not particularly impressive either. I saw the 2D version and I didn't see anything worthwhile for 3D. They could have done more with the idea, I'm not sure why they had such low aspirations.

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I may firstly say that I love some of the people who appear in this film, and one of the actors is someone I love dearly since childhood. They've had pretty heavy roles in some of the most controversial Mexican series of recent times. Their acting is usually very good, but it's a very different thing to make a long-haul telenovela to a proper feature.Said that, this film revolves around a house, a cat and a bunch of girls and a weird lady that try to make us feel uncomfortable. The problem is that they don't succeed on the task. And that's supposed to be the very raison d'etre for a horror movie. If you can recall acting as contrived and stiff as the old lady's, well... I have to pry my brain open to remember one, apart from some very bad comedies.Kudos for the location, cinematography and 3D. The post is superb. Lighting, audio and props, top notch... what you'd expect from a much more expensive film.Thumbs down to the story-telling and the over-the-top acting. These girls could be very nuanced and subtle in some other films, but here... well, yeah, OK. Eréndira Ibarra may be one of those rare gold nuggets that needs a film just for her -this wasn't the one. And I KNOW for sure, she needs a film of her own, because she's a fantastic actress. Here, she's just the cussing tough one.I guess the main problem is all the characters are fleshed out of their own stories and little is revealed to have the time to connect, empathize or feel for them even a slight connection. That puts them out of the way as you can concentrate more on the house, the furniture, the props... which... well, all of them are beautifully captured in glorious 3D.So, in the end, they've got a very polished result, visually, but without bones to lay your teeth on.

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I was really surprised about all the bad reviews about the movie all over Mexico's press and social networks, so I was in Mexico and I said: what the hell... So I went to the see the movie. I really enjoyed as far as I wasn't expecting things to happen. I had fun, got scared a couple of times. The idea of A Hunted Mexican Mansion really caught me... I found every character lovely in their on way. But there was something that didn't make sense to me, why is everybody so upset about it? I'm not an expert myself but a very huge fan of horror movies, I know a lot about Taboada's job and found this version of Mas Negro que la Noche amazing. What I really got me thinking on writing a review, was the truly emotional and over the top comments. And icon movie such as the original, was just that... An icon. There's nothing more. If you really take the time to analyze it, is both boring and the worst acting performances ever. But I got the point, is the Mexican Horror icon that can't be touched. I've read other comments on the IMDb and I found particular disappointing that even the actress's hair-done (that curly look) even takes more words that the movie review it self. The move is great and way better than the original. Is quite funny that a younger generation can be thrilled by a 40 year old so boring horror classic. Get real. I recommend this version and the 3D option a lot! Cool experience.

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