Day of Wrath
Day of Wrath
R | 27 June 2006 (USA)
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At the height of the Spanish Inquisition, high-ranking noblemen begin dropping like flies, with alarming frequency and unexplained violence. But can local 16th-century sheriff Ruy de Mendoza discern who's responsible when no one wants to cooperate? After all, before Mendoza can even identify the bodies, the crime scenes are mysteriously cleared - and the villagers pretend the murders never happened.


An action-packed slog


Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

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The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity

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Benas Mcloughlin

Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.


There is a reasonably interesting, albeit implausible, concept behind Day of Wrath (which I cannot reveal without spoiling the plot). Unfortunately the film fails to deliver much beyond this. 16th century Spain is potentially a very rich background for a film (and is vital component of this film's plot), but the producers of Day of Wrath have made virtually no attempt to localise the film. Just about the only thing discernibly Spanish about the film, apart from the actress Blanca Marsillach, was a leg of ham which appeared briefly in a single scene. Some viewers might be able to suspend their disbelief, but it was impossible for me to ignore the fact that this film was obviously made on a low budget in Hungary. It didn't help that the film's producers were lumbered with a leading man who can't act and a director/script-writer who lacked imagination. Oh wait, one of the producers was the leading man! That explains it. This was a vanity project for Christopher Lambert. Some of the cast put in convincing performances (Brian Blessed, Phylidda Law) and others did their best with very one-dimensional characters (Blanca Marsillach, James Faulkner, Szonja Oroszlan). But Christoper Lambert just failed to engage the audience with any sympathy for his character, and his voice - possibly an attempt at a Spanish accent - was just atrocious. To be fair, the director did manage to input a certain degree of atmosphere and suspense into some of the scenes (despite the presence of Lambert). But towards the end of the film the gratuitous use of blood and gore was completely over-the-top. Neither did the naked breasts do anything to advance the plot. I sense that the director needed to make use of an underemployed special effects expert, and felt that as two of his actresses had shapely mammaries he might as well display them. The only real credit goes to the Hungarian actors for doing their best in a foreign language - especially Lukács Bicskey who played the Hungarian mercenary. Why he had to play a Hungarian beggars belief when his English was delivered perfectly (a pity he couldn't have taught Lambert a thing or two about delivering in English).

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Robin Cook

I am definitely not a Christopher Lambert fan ... he doesn't appeal to me as an actor, and I know he was in some TV show that I never watched ... I don't know what one it was, but recall remote control surfing and when I saw his face I changed the channel. I had never watched Highlander series but did so not long ago when someone loaned me their series set and I did a marathon viewing ... I have yet to watch all of the Highlander movies (seems I've not watched the ones with Lambert in them). Let's face it, he's definitely not Adrian Paul.Setting aside my dislike for this particular actor, I rented this movie and liked it more than the average. It was refreshing. I didn't know anything about the movie other than what it said on the DVD cover jacket, so I didn't have any grand expectation(s), but figured there would be tin-tan sounding sword fights.The one thing that disappointed me with the DVD was the limitations set forth regarding the special features. I would have liked some commentary regarding the period that this movie was set around. I am weary of a full feature movie overlayed with a commentary by someone and wish Mollywood would grasp that I'm not the only soul disliking this kind of "special feature." If I watch the movie, I'm sure as heck not gonna sit thru and watch it again with someone hawking away with comments ... jeez, break it into a short special feature! Considering the nature of the story/topic, I feel that more insight of the era/period in the special features to satisfy the cultural curiosity for viewers would have helped push up ratings a bit. After all, there is much curiosity regarding these dark ages that spanned many centuries that ... well, elementary schoolbooks back in the 50's and 60's most certainly didn't cover much and were a tad censored for kids being taught such "history." Even without a special feature giving more historical cultural aspects of the period, the movie was well done. There were areas that were a bit shoddy/hokey, but considering this had to have been a low budget movie, such bits were curbed short and made forgivable. I just wish someone would give Lambert a good haircut/hairstyle and more acting lessons. Even Nicolas Cage's hair is so bad in Valley Girl, it's a wonder how he got the girl and audience appeal, but he's got camera charm and knows how to act ... and he's far from being handsome. Perhaps I just can't get past Lambert's appearance, dunno, but this movie would have gotten a higher rating if another actor had been cast.I found that the topic and storyline for this movie to be refreshingly and appealingly new (at least for me). I haven't seen many movies done in this period and I am curious to know if this movie used historical data (again the missing link with a GOOD, SHORT special feature commentary). So, my rating here is on the merit of the well put together story and theme and if some remake is done years down the road, hopefully a "better" actor is chosen for the main role. Just so you understand here further is I really like Lance Henriksen as an actor, but the movie Pirates of Treasure Island was so bad I rooted for the bugs to eat everyone to end the movie fast! To me, that movie is the WORST dog of the year thus far that I've rented. So, just because I like or dislike an actor does not mean I place my merits in rating a movie .. unless the entire cast, acting, costumes, story and so forth are so dreadfully intolerable to view an entire movie as was Pirates of Treasure Island.I recommend this movie for renting and intriguingly good viewing. Separate it from Da Vinci Code (I've not seen it or know anything about it either, but read a comment that compared it), so to give this movie fairness, I've got to say that I've not been influenced by any other measurable movie at this time.

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After all the terrible movies Lambert has been in over the last 5 years or so, I had stopped watching his films. However, after a recommendation I sought out "Day of Wrath" and I was very glad I did.This may only be a B grade movie but the story was great and was well supported by good acting and a mood inducing score.I was kept involved right to the end and I liked the mystery with a historical base. A good action thriller with an undercurrent of conspiracy.It was better than many big budget films I have seen lately and I hope it is an indication that Christopher Lambert is back to making good movies.

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What can I say about Christopher Lambert?? He Starred in good films like Highlander films (OK not the second one) mean guns, Fortress Mortal Kombat and my guilty pleasure Beowulf. But there has been others like Point Men which was undoubtedly the worst film ever. Just look at the Christopher Lambert list of films in a word RUBBISH. But Day of wrath is different. It has a good Story, best part being all the twists and turns like disappearing bodies and conspiracies. Good acting OK violence is set in 16th century and Brian Blessed is in it!!!!!. Its very entertaining and is worthy of watching. Big Chris Lambert is (hopefully) back on track and I cant wait for MK Devastation.7 out of ten

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