R | 04 November 2005 (USA)
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Disaster! Trailers View All

A spoof of disaster films, an asteroid is coming towards earth and Harry Bottoms is in charge of saving us all...again...


Very Cool!!!


just watch it!


Brilliant and touching


The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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If you are the type who will giggle uncontrollably at the mere mention of poop or penis, no matter what the context, then you will love this movie. However, if you happen to be over 12 you will most likely be yawning and looking at your watch waiting for the film to be over. I am by no means prudish or sensitive to crude humor, I am a big fan of South Park. However, unlike South park, there is no intelligent satire or clever parodies in this movie. The jokes are so juvenile and predictable that it consistently falls flat on its face.It's almost as if the makers were expecting the long worn off novelty of adult animation to carry this movie alone, without giving any particular thought to the script whatsoever. Oh look, they are parodying Armageddon, ha ha, oh look there's poop, ha ha, oh my god, that is so funny. This basically sums up the whole movie, minus the laughs. There is absolutely nothing funny about this movie. It is aptly named "Disaster!". It is not even worth 99 cents from the bargain bin. It would be a waste of 99 cents. Even if you got to see it for free it would be a waste of 83 minutes.Bottom line: avoid this movie if you value your time or money.

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Robot Chicken like film that spoofs Armageddon and other big screen scifi and disaster films. Full of sex and violence and nudity and poop jokes this film had me in stitches for the first half of its running time as it played like Robot Chicken with a potty mouth. The problem is that just before the half hour mark the plot kicks in and they have to make do with the stupidity they've set in motion. On top of that the graphic bathroom jokes hit critical mass and the film begins to fall apart. Yea I laughed during the second half but not as much as the first. Considering I paid about 2 bucks for the DVD in a dump bin at Blockbuster I got my moneys worth out of it. The DVD contains a couple of short animated films by the same director, a Star trek spoof thats WAY too long at 8 minutes, two brief Forest Gump spoofs that are okay, and a truly twisted in a wrong sort of way as a mommy explains to her daughter why one of her Barbie like doll comes in a wheel chair. It should be stated none of the shorts or even the feature should be viewed by children.

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This is the funniest movie I've ever seen in my entire life. If you like gratuitous violence, cliché humor, random sex scenes, farting and just raunchy tasteless over the top insanity, then this movie is for you. It is tons better than team America. I could not stop laughing, and new laughs would interrupt old laughs it just kept going and going. It's not for the easily offended or kids, but wow, what a riot. It's so over the top, but it didn't come across as trying to be, like some films just use the F word repeatedly and try to get a reaction, but this movie didn't really need to, they used a lot of other methods to keep repulsive and outrageous without being running one method into the ground. The story was good too, although a rip off of Armageddon, but that made it even better in my opinion.

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I just had the luck to see this film at the Hamburg Fantasy Film Fest and loved it, why? It is so far out and funny, in all shades, good humour, bad humour and very bad humour. A little like the Team America makers decided to save the budget by using wax puppets and use the saved cash for really bad substances (I know of course that this is not the case, but look at it and you should see what I mean ;-)) The plot follows the Armageddon script and has some very recognizable scenes almost exactly taken from, it well, momentarily to change drastically and create humour this way and it works! If you like your puppet comedies tough, go and see this one. If you mind bad language and/or explicit themes and scenes, maybe reconsider...

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