Dreams from My Real Father
Dreams from My Real Father
| 24 April 2012 (USA)
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This fascinating narrative is based in part on 2 years of research, interviews, newly unearthed footage and photos, and the writings of Davis and Obama himself. Dreams from My Real Father weaves together the proven facts with reasoned logic and speculation in an attempt to fill-in the obvious gaps in Obama's history. Is this the story Barack Obama should have told, revealing his true agenda for "fundamentally transforming America?" Director Joel Gilbert concludes, "To understand Obama’s plans for America, the question is ’Who is the real father?’"


Wonderful character development!


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Best movie of this year hands down!


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.

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It starts with: "Director's Note: This film is based on actual events, interviews, and archives, as well as recreations of probable events, using reasoned logic, and approximated conversations to provide a cohesive understanding of Obama's history. Is this the story Barack Obama should have told, revealing his true political foundations and his agenda for fundamentally transforming America? (signed) Joel Gilbert" The terms "...probable events, using reasoned logic, and approximated conversations..." are the real meat of this piece of junk. Communism has proved to be a failed experiment. It's hard to believe that Gilbert truly thinks Obama would model his administration on those ideals. He's like a little gossiping drama queen, who wanted to do as much damage as he could to Obama. Hell, it isn't even well done. And...to be fair, maybe Michael Moore should take a cue from those director notes.

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As a reformed leftist who participated in the turbulence of the 60's and 70's, I find this film has the ring of truth and deserves to be watched. Most people in this country are naive and simply don't recognize how the left operates and what their real goals are for this country. As a result they are blinded to the signs which are right in front of their eyes.However, that being said, I was somewhat put off by the tabloid style especially in the early part of the film. It almost made me feel that if one listens to jazz and likes poetry then they are suspect of being unAmerican which is a J. Edgar Hooveresque stereotype that I heartily reject. Sometimes things are more nuanced than what this film presents. Also, I don't know if many of the photographs of Obama's mother are real or not, however the assertion that Obama's real father was Frank Marshall Davis is very plausible to me and goes a long way toward explaining many things that I find troubling about the "official" account of Obama's upbringing.After watching the whole film my response was that the real Obama has finally been unmasked even though I was somewhat put off by it's tabloid style. I urge everyone to watch it and ponder its message. The future of the country is on the line.

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It is unclear whether this amateurish effort is meant to offend the political left or right. The left will find it generally offensive, and "Birthers" on the right will be frustrated by the undermining of their narrative.A curious Director's Note precedes the film, acknowledging that the contents are "based on actual events," of "probable events," and "approximated conversations." http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/805/dreamsfrommyrealfatherx.jpg/The whole of the film is presented in "Mockumentary" style (as are Director Joel Gilbert's other efforts, "Elvis Found Alive" and, "Paul McCartney Really is Dead-") with the first-person narrative meant to be the "true" voice of President Obama. The voice-over makes no real effort to sound similar to Barak Obama's tone or speech patterns, but continually presents fabricated emotional observations and descriptions as autobiographical.The film is entertaining. Although the narrative is pedantic, predictable, and clumsy in it's stereotypes; Jazz music, nude photography, college education, foreigners and minorities are presented as communist threats to America; The Federal Government of the United States is (curiously at odds with modern Conservative thinking) a font of righteous American morals, including McCarthyism, the CIA, Hoover's FBI and anything vaguely military.The writer is unable to reconcile his (again, Joel Gilbert) attempt at presenting Barak Obama's inner-voice with his own political agenda. The snide asides about Affirmative Action and habitual labeling of "Commies" are packed in with open attempts to paint President Obama as a race hater and devious subversive.It can be hoped that reactionary personalities on both sides of the contemporary American political divide will view this film as either a baseless Mockumentary, sarcastically intended to show the ridiculous ease of exaggeration and misdirection, or as an inept and markedly vicious effort at inflaming an already discordant political environment.For myself; I've seen plenty of this kind of garbage from both the liberal and conservative spectrum. If you find this kind of flailing and dishonest manipulation entertaining (as I do), I recommend Michael Moore's films, Glen Beck's books, and any commercial effort that purports to share a shocking and hidden truth. Think for yourself!

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Anyone who really watches this movie based on the summary shown on IMDb must be seriously impaired or just blind. I mean just because you don't see eye to eye with his policy doesn't mean that you get the right to name him anything you want. I mean this goes back to the middle ages when we went witch hunting. So he is accused of not being American, then he releases his birth certificate. You still aren't satisfied and search for even more bogus ideas to destroy his presidency. Well I can sort of understand it, because I mean when you don't have an actual candidates in your party that can match up or let alone have a real vision for America. I mean I wouldn't do these kinds of things, like fabricate bogus movies that make unsubstantiated claims. How much longer will the American public be blindsided by biases and bitter opposition. I mean even in other parts of the world where opposing parties don't see eye to eye they still get things done. When will you guys wake up and start seeing whats actually going on. You care more about what side the person is standing than actually getting policy changed or improvements made, that America dearly needs.Seriously, if things continue going down this path and you don't find a way to compromise and agree on certain things, all these dystopian films and TV shows that are getting so popular, will become reality. Why was Obama elected the first time, if you don't want change?

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